Start from the beginning

Y: Uhm no offense but I’m not seeing the bad part about this story!

A: Yanni you know Princeton likes you! He even told Keisha about you, but I’m not sure if Ray likes me or was just being nice. And now every time he is nice to me I feel like he just is being this way because of my body.

Y: Come on Alleeya, its completely obvious that Ray Ray likes you! And I can tell from the short time I talked to Ray, I can tell he isn’t that type of guy. You’re letting your imagination get the best of you mama!

A: You’re probably right. I need to calm down

Y: Yeah I am right so CALM DOWN!

“Alright girls we are here. I have to go pick up the boys, so just go in and introduce your self to Dave. Ill be back soon with the boys soon.” Keisha explained

Alleeya and I got out the car and walked into the dance studio. She introduced her self to Dave and I sat down on the side and decided to text Prince.



Princeton’s POV

“Aye you Keisha is here y’all!” I can’t believe how nervous I am! I’m so excited to see her! I’ve completely fallen for a girl who I failed to meet in person yet, but we just clicked so well last night! Man she is so beautiful! I can’t find a single flaw in her. Her beautiful black hair that frames her gorgeous face. Let me not even get started on her body, baby is thick af, but it has to be her smile that I love the most. Its so sincere, it just makes me feel amazing! Damn we need to go right now!

The boys and I rushed down stairs and got in the van.

“Hey Prince, I talked to your girlfriend!” said Keisha

“So you got to meet the beautiful Jessica” I replied

“Aye man I thought you were sprung over Yanni not this Jessica chick!” Roc said

I gave him this are you serious look. “Yanni and Jessica is the same person, Roc Head!” I said as I slapped him up side the head

“Sorry Its not my fault your girlfriend has an alter ego name Yanni!” Roc shot back

“Its a nick name idiot!” I said (smh) This Kid

“Aye Prince how you gonna go out with a girl you never met in person?” Prod asked

“Well she isn’t exactly my girlfriend yet, but she will be! You better believe that!”

“What ever!” prod replied

I begged Keisha to tell me about what she told Yanni but she wouldn’t, but she did give me her opinion on her! I’m so glad Keisha really likes her! After talking to Keisha for 15 minutes I noticed that Ray Ray was awfully quiet and looked like something was on his mind. I moved back to see whats wrong.

“Why you so quiet, man you sick?” I asked him while putting my hand on his forehead to check his temperature.

“Naw man” ray replied coldly

“so whats up” I started to get worried. Ray Ray is always happy its kind of scary to see him upset

“I think I screwed up with Alleeya, man!” he said sounding really scared. Man he really likes this girl.

“Why, what happened?” I asked

“Well I was trying to video chat her. When it first started I really couldnt see anything but then the camera cleared up and she looked in the camera screamed my name and slammed it shut! I have no idea, what happen but I guess she just didn’t want to talk to me. I can’t get my mind off it. I just kept replaying it over and over again in my head. I was trying to think back to our conversation wondering what I did wrong.” he said all out of breath with his head in his hands

“I’m pretty sure its a misunderstanding let me text yanni and ask her. I’m pretty sure if you did something wrong she would have told her. Whoa- see me and yanni are connected. just when I said I was gonna text her she goes and texts me.



Ray Ray’s POV

Fuck! Why would she do that! What did I do! Did I say something wrong? Man I don’t want her to not want me. Does that make sense? Nothing makes sense, I need to find out what happened! I cant loose her, especially since she isn’t even mine yet.

I hear Princeton laughing his ass off. Wtf? Did I just not have a serious moment with him.

“What are you laughing for?” I asked him. He better have a good response cause I’m not in the mood.

“Yanni just told me why leeya closed the video chat.” he manged to get out with the breaks between laughing

I jumped up hitting my head against the roof of the van. “What happened man please tell me now!!” I really need to know what happened or I’m gonna go crazy

” Okay so you know how you couldn’t see anything in video chat at first?” Princeton said

“yeah yeah!” I replied anxiously

“Well it was because alleeya was in the bathroom finishing up her shower. Yanni thought she warned Alleeya about the video chat but she didn’t hear her. Alleeya got out the shower and was standing completely naked in front of it. She didn’t notice that the computer was there until she heard you and roc talking and she freaked out!” Princeton explained

“Omg! I need to explain to hear that I didn’t see anything! No wonder she got off like that! She was embarrassed!”

“We’re Here Boys!” Keisha Yelled



Yanni’s POV

I looked up to see the most gorgeous face ever and it belonged to Princeton. I screamed and jumped up to hug him. He caught me and we were stuck gazing in each others eyes. I broke the gaze and looked at his lips and I guess he took my hint and leaned in…



Princeton’s POV

I saw Yanni for the first time in person. She was so freaking gorgeous. She jumped up and gave me a hug. I caught her, she had her legs around my waist and arms around my neck. I cupped her juicy butt making sure she didn’t slip, I wanted to stay like this forever. We were caught in each others eyes. Man she has amazing eyes. She looked down at my lips and I guess she wanted a kiss. So I leaned in…. 



Ray Ray’s POV

I see Yanni and Princeton getting acquainted. I looked over at Alleeya! Omg she looks so beautiful when she is dancing! She is so graceful and talented and sexy. I cant forget that. I walked over to her nervous but ready to explain what happened. She turned around and we locked eyes. I smiled and she just looked back at me with a scared look. Next thing I know she is gone.



Alleeya’s POV

I was in the middle of a jump when I heard Yanni scream and I looked over to see her hugging Prince with her legs wrapped around his waist. Smh that girl. I turned towards the door and saw Ray. We meet eyes and kept the stare up for a while. My heart started beating faster and faster. All I could think is that he is imagining me naked. He gave me a sexy smirk and that just confirmed my suspicions. I couldn’t take it anymore, so I ran to the back room. I wasn’t ready to confront him. I don’t think I’ll ever be.

Fight For My Love: A Mindless Behavior Inspired Loves StoryWhere stories live. Discover now