Missed Me

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Scarlet's POV

I gasped as I heard the all too familiar voice echo through the house, bouncing off the walls and into my ears. I couldn't move, as my mind filled with panic.

Sehun quickly but quietly closed the bedroom door, locking it without making much noise. He turned towards me with large eyes.

"We have to get out of here, fast!" He exclaimed. He rushed towards me and brought me to the window, he grabbed a pistol as I opened the window.

"I know you're here Scarlet, now be a good girl and come to me."

I held back a whimper as Sehun ushered me out of the window. "Ignore him," Sehun whispered.

I nodded and landed on the grass, Sehun following after me. We ran across the yard, trying to avoid as much windows as we could, and to Sehun's car. He reached into his pocket to take the keys out but couldn't find them.

"Mother fucker! I left them in the god damn house, shit!" He cursed. He quickly glanced towards the house and turned back to face me.

"Scarlet, stay out here, but stay hidden ok?" He spoke. I nodded my head as Sehun got his gun ready.

"I'll be back," he murmured and ran towards the front door, dissappearing inside the house.

I hid behind the car, facing away from the house. I was on my knees, looking through the window as I waited for Sehun to come back safely with the keys.

I didn't hear any noise coming from the house, so I assumed Sehun wasn't hurt.

I suddenly felt a cold, sharp blade gently press against my neck from behind. I gasped but a hand covered my mouth and pushed me onto the rocky concrete.

Dangerous electric blue eyes glared into mine. His rough large hands muffling my screams of terror. A twisted smirk appeared across his face as he watched me tremble in fear.

"Missed me?" He whispered into my ear. I screamed, the warm salty tears rolling down my cheeks and falling onto the concrete below me.

"Shhh," he hushed. "Stop crying sweetheart, when you cry it makes me want to make you suffer even more."

I kept sobbing uncontrollably. It's like I wasn't able to control myself at this very moment, fear took over my whole body.

"Get the fuck off her."

Andy chuckled lowly, smirking even more than before.

"Oh Sehun," Andy spoke, his back facing Sehun. Sehun had his gun pointed at Andy, glaring at Andy's back as he took a step closer.

Andy slowly but confidently stood up off me, turning towards Sehun with a fake smile planted on his lips.

"Sehun, my dear friend Sehun." Andy said. "What have I done to be in a situation like this?"

Andy tilted his head to the right as he smiled. Sehun's grip on the gun tightened as he was angered.

"Don't play stupid Andy, I know you want revenge," Sehun spat. If looks could kill Andy would've been dead in an instant, Sehun's cold stare even scared me.

"You're smarter than you look," Andy teased. Andy grinned as he lightly kicked a rock on the ground towards Sehun.

"You want revenge for a good thing that I've done," Sehun hissed. "After all I was just doing my job."

Andy's hands balled into fists. "My friends didn't deserve that!" Andy yelled. His deep voice flying through the air.

"They deserved everything that has happened to them, after all, all of them were just like you," Sehun growled lowly.

"Shut the fuck up! Next is your family!" Andy yelled. He took another step closer to Sehun. Sehun loaded his gun, getting ready to shoot Andy.

"Stay the fuck back you freak!" Sehun yelled. "And don't you dare go near my family!"

Andy chuckled. "Pain is supposed to be felt in pairs, and I want you to be the one feeling what I've felt," Andy growled. They were both glaring at eachother with hate filled eyes, I backed up a bit to get away from Andy.

Sehun firmly held the gun in his hand, and aimed it up at Andy.

"This ends here," Sehun mumbled. Andy chuckled and relaxed.

"What are you going to do? Shoot me like every other cop?" Andy taunted. It's like he was digging his own grave.

"Come on! Be more creative, it's fun!" Andy exclaimed. He started laughing as Sehun aimed at his head, getting ready to shoot him.

Andy quickly reached into his back pocket and got a gun, aiming it at Sehun.

"Two can play the same game, Sehun."


Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Andy's and Sehun's past together will probably be revealed in the next chapter.

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