Made It Out; Alive

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Scarlet's POV

I was released from the shackles. I rubbed my wrists to subside the pain. Two days ago I fooled Andy, and I guess while we were fighting in my room, the keys fell out of his pocket. He didn't take notice because he was too busy hurting me.

This time I'm sure I will get out of here. And once I get out of here that crazy mother fucker is going to jail.

I stood up and started looking around my room for a weapon, trying to be as quiet as possible so Andy wouldn't hear me from downstairs. I suddenly remembered I kept a knife in my dresser drawer, for safety cautions of course, I'm glad I put that knife in there.

I opened my drawer where the knife was supposed to be, and there it was lying untouched. I grabbed it and put the keys in my pocket. I walked towards the door, my hand hovering over the doorknob. I will make it out; alive.

I slowly turned the doorknob and opened the door and was in a ready stance to attack whoever came near me. No one was in my sight, and the house was dead silent. No sounds to be heard, no breathing, no footsteps, nothing.

I slowly stepped out of the room on high alert. I headed towards the stairs and silently sped walked to the front door. There was one lock blocking my freedom, and a lot of keys to choose from.

I started fumbling with the keys, scared if Andy came downstairs and seen me, scared if I won't be able to make it out of here and away from him.

I tried the first key: nope, didn't work. The second and fourth didn't work. I started to get frustrated, and anxious. I started sweating and mentally gave up on myself. I'll never be able to make it out.

I kept trying but the keys didn't work. I wanted to throw the keys across the room and scream, but I kept calm and kept trying.

The sound of a door opening and closing echoed through the house, and thuds were coming from the stairs; Andy.

I thought fast and hid in the closest place I was able to think of, the closet. I know it's one of the most dumbest places to hide but I panicked.

The sound of cupboards opening and closing filled the house. I was trying to control my breathing and calm myself down.

The sounds stopped and I heard thumps going further and becoming distant. I slowly got out of the closet and got the next key ready. I placed it in the keyhole and it fit perfectly. I twisted it and unlocked the door. I dropped the keys and dashed out of the house.

I made it out; alive.

I heard a deep voice yelling in the background. I suddenly started feeling lightheaded and weak. My vision got a bit blurry, and I wasn't able to run anymore. A tall figure hovered over me.

"Silly girl, what did I tell you?"


Hope you enjoyed the chapter! 💕

Sorry that this chapter is so short.

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