Hide Behind A Mask

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Scarlet's POV

"S-Sehun?" I stuttered staring wide eyed at Sehun in shock. I was beyond confused. Sehun just knocked Andy out, his own boss, his own friend. It wasn't an accident, he meant to hit Andy, and now he was telling me to hurry up.

"Scarlet I said hurry up! We have to go!" Sehun shouted. He rushed towards me, forcing me to stand on my feet. He began pulling me towards the door, but I refused and wiggled my wrist out of his strong grasp.

"W-What's going on?" I asked. I took a step away from Sehun, just in case he tried anything funny. Sehun sighed deeply, massaging his temples with his fingers.

"I'll explain in the car," he rushed. He looked at me with pleading eyes, like he was begging me to listen to him.


"I'm a cop!" Sehun cut me off with a yell. He reached into his jean pocket, pulling out a badge that said 'Officer Oh Sehun'.

I stared at it, unable to move, it's like the world stopped. After everything he's done to me, he was a cop this whole time.


"We don't have time for this!" Sehun snapped. He grabbed my wrist and dragged me out of the room, hurting my wrist in the process. He rushed us out of the house and into his car. He started the car, stepping on the gas pedal and sped out of the driveway, leaving a dangerous, unconscious criminal alone in the house.


"Why didn't you take him to jail while he was unconscious?!" I questioned.

"You'd be surprised how smart Andy really is, you'd probably need a lot of police officers to take him to jail." Sehun said. I was sitting in the passenger seat of Sehun's car, we left the house ten minutes ago.

"I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Andy has already gained his consciousness back, and is on his way to find us," Sehun chuckled. He was so calm about the situation, like it was no big deal when it was a big deal. A dangerous man is after us, and Sehun is laughing and making a joke of it.

"This isn't funny!" I retorted glaring at the side of Sehun's face.

"Can I ask you questions?" I asked. Sehun took a quick glance at me and nodded.

"Does Andy know you're a cop?" Sehun kept silent for a short amount of time before answering.

"I'm not sure," he mumbled. "Like I said, Andy is smart, I wouldn't be surprised if he knew."

"Why did you... do... those things to me?" I asked.

"So Andy would've been convinced I was on his side," Sehun stated. It still confused me though, he did those things when Andy was out of the room, or when he wasn't even in the house.

"But you did those things when he wasn't even nearby!" I shouted. Sehun flinched a little, but quickly regained his strong posture.

"I had to leave evidence behind, like bruises on you so he wouldn't suspect anything," Sehun explained.

"And trust me, I am so so so sorry for doing those things to you Scarlet. I was trying to keep my act good, I don't expect you to forgive me right away, but hopefully you'll be able to accept my apology soon," Sehun apologized. He glanced at me, faintly smiling at me before turning his attention back on the road.

"I forgive you, Sehun," I said looking at Sehun. He smiled, keeping his eyes on the road as we drove towards the city.

"How were you able to keep your cover? You know, like hiding your secret from Andy?" I asked.

Sehun smirked. "It's not that hard to hide behind a mask."


We reached Sehun's house, it was about ten miles out of the city. He said we should get some rest, then go to the police station first thing tomorrow morning.

He helped me inside the house, since I was limping from when Sehun dragged me out of Andy's place. He guided me towards a room with a king sized bed, a bathroom, and a big window with a forest view.

"Do you need help?" He asked as I tried to get myself on the bed, but my wounds from Andy were stopping me as they pressed up against the blanket, putting pressure on them, making me receive a painful sting.

"Yes please," I muttered. Sehun walked over to me, putting his right arm under my legs, and his other arm around my back gently lifting me on the soft bed.

He walked out of the room, coming back with two blankets and a pillow. He set them on the floor, while I stared at him confused.

"Why aren't you sleeping in your room?"

"This is my room."

"You only have one room in this house?"

"Yup." He walked over to the lightswitch, turning it off. The light from the moon shined on him as he layed down on the bed he made on the floor.

I tried to sleep, but I was paranoid that Andy was going to find us and kill us while we're asleep. I shifted around on the bed, being careful not to lay on my scars.

It's been about twenty minutes and I still couldn't sleep, fear was eating me alive.

"Sehun," I whispered. "You awake?"


"Sehun," I said a little louder.


"Sehun!" I shouted. He jolted awake, looking around the room paniced. He looked at me and slumped his shoulders.

"What?" He groaned.

"Can you....sleep with me."


"I'm scared."

"Fine," he yawned. He got off the floor and went onto the other side of the bed, keeping a distance between us.

"Andy won't find us right?" I asked. I was shaking from the fear, I was scared to death. Sehun kept quiet, not knowing the answer.

"Can I hug you... please," I trembled.

"Here, hug this." Sehun pushed a pillow towards me, I tightly held onto it with shaking hands.

"There now sleep." Silence filled the room. I was peacefully drifting off to sleep, about to black out when a loud crash came from the living room. The sound of glass shattering on the floor filled the now broken silence.

"Scarlet, come out, come out wherever you are."


Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Did you expect Sehun to be a cop? No one probably did.

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Gorgeous Nightmare || Andy BiersackOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora