Chapter 7

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No One Pov

Naruto's throat suddenly felt like it was closing up. He almost immediately collapsed to the floor because of the lack of oxygen amd he passed out.

Sasuke Pov

"Naruto!" Naruto just collapsed on the floor for no damn reason! He sounds like hes choking. I turn his oxygen tank to a certain setting... It wasnt working... He was deathly still a few moments later.

"God dammit!" I shouted. I picked him up and rushed him into the backseat of his car. I grab the keys from under the car seat and i turn it on and drove as fast as i could to the hospital. We only lived a couple minutes from the hospital, thank god for that. I picked him up and rushed him into the Hospital. The people behind the desk immediately called some doctors from the back. They took him from me and took him into a Hospital room. Tears started forming in my eyes. I wasnt planning visiting this place anytime soon... I ran after the Doctors that took him. This was the same exact room he was in two days ago... They immediately plugged him up with tons of tubes.

"W-will he be okay..." I whimpered.

"How long did that nurse say that he was going to live." The platinum blond female doctor said.

"T-three months." I stuttered. She froze amd looked at me with huge sorrow in her eyes.

"Really? Well, im sorry to say, she lied." The Doctor said.

"W-what... What do you mean?!" I couldnt believe this... I cant believe this!

"The condition hes in, he only had about 48 hours left." Many emotions ran through my brain... Anger, sadness, hatred, sorrow, depression... The feeling for... Revenge. I couldnt tell what emotion i was feeling, i froze and stared at the ground. My tears, my many many tears, began dripping onto the ground.


He's dying...


No fucking joke, i was crying waterfalls writing this. Im soooo sorry...

Hope you like tho...


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