Chapter Five

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Sasuke Pov

"Please let my baby be okay..." Sasuke prayed. They were almost to the hospital. I heard a phone ding. I ignored it. I didnt care whether it was mine or not. I just want Naruto to be okay...

Konohamaru Pov


Hearing this kind of news isnt very pleasant.

Naruto: Konohamaru? What would you think if i told you i had lung cancer..?

Konohamaru: w h a t

Naruto: I have lung cancer Konohamaru. I only have three more months to live.

Konohamaru: ... Okay, this has GOT to be some joke...

Naruto: *attachment* Heres some proof if you need it.

"Oh no, nononononono." I whimpered. I buried my face into my hands.

"NonononononoNO." I screamed forgeting Shikamaru and Sasuke were in the car. The car jerked a little bit.

"What the hell is wrong? I almost ran off the damn road!" Shikamaru shouted.

I ignored Shikamaru. I wrapped my arms around my knees and rocked back and forth.

"Konohamaru! Answer me dammit!"

I couldnt form words. I tossed my phone at Shikamaru.

"What the hell is it? Is it about Naruto!?" Sasuke's voice trembled.

Shikamaru Pov

I trembled. I was lost for words also.

"What is it Shikamaru?" Sasukes wavery voice said.

"I-its Naruto." I choked back tears. How was Sasuke going to react..?

Sasuke Pov

"Naruto? What happened! Please tell me!" I pleaded.

"Naruto... He has c-cancer."

My eyes widened. My whole world fell into deep darkness. I sat there, frozen, still looking at Shikamaru. I couldn't move... Even if i wanted to.

"We're here, Sasuke..." Shikamaru muttered. I opened to car door slowly. I stared at the hospital building entrance. I got the strength to get out of the car and close it. I darted towards the entrance.

Naruto Pov

"I hope Sasuke gets here soon..." I muttered.

"Hm?" The pink headed lady, standing there, monitoring my breathing.

"My husband, Sasuke... I hope he gets here soon." I repeated. I couldnt really talk that much. My lungs hurt like hell... To learn that you have cancer right after the day you get married, i feel like shit...

"Hm, i see." She said. "So youre gay." I nodded.

"So whats Sasuke like?" She asked kindly.

"Well... He has raven hair thats in the shape of a duckbutt, he is hot. His onyx eyes are just, mesmerizing. Im hypnotized everytime i stare into them. Hes just a beautiful man..."

Someone burst through the door.

"NARUTO!" I immediately recognized who it was.

"Sasuke..." I uttered out. It looked like he had been crying for hours... He still is, i dont blame him though, if i figured out he had cancer or some shit, i'd be crying, too.

Sasuke Pov

"M-my poor baby..." I uttered out. There was pipes and tubes everywhere. Tears were streaming down my face...

"So its true..." I whispered. I wrapped my arms around his body tightly. I cried into his shoulder.

"He'll be gone in three months..." My dark thoughts took over me.

"I-im gonna be okay, Sasuke." He whispered into my ear.

"No, no youre not..." I stood up from hugging him.

"No... Youre not fucking okay. You have three months to live!" I raised my voice. The pinkette nurse and Naruto stared at me in suprise. I usually didnt yell at Naruto.

"Im sorry Naruto, i love you so much... We said we'd be together forever. Forever is now only three months. D-dont you realize how much pain im feeling right now?" My voice cracked.

"I love you so much baby, but now you only have three months left to fucking live a life! All the stuff we've planned... We cant do that now!"

I leaned down and kissed Naruto on the lips. It was short, but passionate. He kissed back. I pulled away.

"I love you, Naruto." I whispered into his ear. The nurse coughed, trying to get my attention. I looked up at her.

"Dont be kissing him right now. Hes in a very weak state and he needs as much air as possible." I nodded. "Im nurse Sakura by the way."

Sakura Pov

"The blonde was right, he is... Hot."

"Thank you for taking care of him." Sasuke muttered.

"Y-youre welcome..."

Sasuke Pov

I sat down in a chair that was beside Narutos bed. I scooted it right next to his bed. I held his hand and rested my head on it. I quickly fell asleep without even realizing it.

Naruto Pov

Shikamaru and Konohamaru just arrived into the room. They both had also looked like they've been crying.

"Nii-San..." Konohamaru whispered. He considered me as an older brother figure, so he called me that. I smiled at him.

"I leave for a few minutes so you can have time to visit. Tell me if he starts having trouble breathing." Shikamaru nodded and Sakura walked out of the room. Sasuke was sleeping peacefully beside me. Shikamaru and Konohamaru sat down in the other chairs next to my hospital bed. I was happy that they were here for me...




~Crying Foxxis

Slipped Away (SasuNaru Short Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora