"Kitty shampoo," Levi answered, yanking his tail out of Isabel's hold. "Don't touch my tail with your paws that touched that shitty mouse."

"Levi, face it, you only came here so that you wouldn't give in to your Alpha around that Omega," Farlan sighed. Levi snapped his head over to look at the other neko. Farlan sighed and went on, "think about it, you come and visit us after an entire year and only because an Omega is in heat. Sounds like you care about this Omega enough not to be around when they're in heat."

"An Omega in heat is disgusting," Levi defended himself, although what he said is actually true. "They're all sweaty and they make a mess from you-know-where."

Farlan gave Levi a are you kidding look and Levi sighed. Maybe Farlan was onto something ...

"Why don't you mate with this Omega!" Isabel suggested, her red tail wagging like a puppy. "I want some nieces and nephews!"

"Isabel —" Levi begun, but Farlan interrupted him.

"Isabel's right Levi, why don't you mate with this Omega? It may make you less grumpy," Farlan said. Levi turned his best death glare to the blonde neko, the death glare he used on Hanji when she was being an idiot — which was all the time.

"I am not grumpy," Levi growled. Fuck, I sound like a whiny brat, Levi thought with a mental grimace.

"Yes, you are," Farlan deadpanned. "How's that guy who picked you up? What was his name, Owen?"

"It's Eyebrows," Levi sort of corrected. "Actually, he's name is Erwin but I never use that name."

"How many scratches has he got?" Farlan asked.

Levi actually had to think about that. There's the one on his upper arm which Levi gave to him the day Erwin forced him home. Then there were the ones on his thighs which Levi dealt him when Erwin learnt that he should never put Levi on his lap. Then there's the scratches on Erwin's back because Levi was bored and wanted to scratch something, and also because the scratching post had been filthy and Erwin was the closest hard surface to the neko at the time.

Levi told Farlan all of that and the blonde neko said, "see, you are grumpy," with a satisfied nod. Levi hissed in annoyance and stopped dead. Did he just hiss at Farlan? Holy shit he was grumpy.

"OK, OK, I guess I can mate with Eren," Levi sighed. "He is cute ..."

"Oh, so the mysterious Omega does have a name," Farlan chuckled. Levi thumped Farlan in the back of the head, hard enough to cause the neko to yowl in pain.

"Hey 'i' 'ro!" Isabel exclaimed, jumping towards him with the dead mouse in her mouth. "Woul' you 'ike the 'ouse?"

The look of horror on Levi's face at the sight of the dead mouse hanging from Isabel's mouth was something you would never expect to see on the raven neko's face.


Levi snuck into the house through bathroom window, happy to see that no one was in there. He'll have to commit suicide if he came in and Hanji was in the shower.

The house was quiet as he snuck toward Eren's bedroom, thanking whatever gods that were on his side for a cat's natural talent of stealth. He would have to commit murder if Hanji or Erwin caught him.

The scent of Eren's heat was getting stronger the closer he got to the young neko's room, the scent of peach and roses brushing over his body and causing his soft cock to come to life. Shit, it was like Eren's scent was giving him a handjob.

"Eren?" Levi whispered, pushing the door open. The sight before him almost caused him to rush in there and take the Omega there and then.

Eren was lying in a fetal position, his back to Levi. He was wearing only an oversized shirt, the hem barely covering his perfect bottom. He looked like he was stroking himself, but Levi couldn't tell.

The sound of Levi's intake of breath caused the omega to look behind him and at the sight of Levi Eren's green eyes brightened like the lights of Los Angeles.

"Levi!" Eren exclaimed, rolling off the bed and rushing toward him. Eren crashed into Levi full force, causing the older neko to stumble into the door.

Levi buried his face into the crook of Eren's neck, inhaling the Omega's delicious scent and subconsciously licked his lips. The Omega smelt so fucking good. It became too much for Levi, the heavenly scent wrapping around him, squeezing all his self control out of his body and releasing the alpha's rut.

They were both in for a long night.

Levi hoped to God that the walls were sound proof or he'll have to go on the run with Eren when he murdered Hanji.

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