Chapter Twenty Four

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"It was amazing." He laughed back, "I've uh..never been on one before. So.."

"I was terrified to go on my first rollercoaster too." I reassured Alex by taking his hand again.

Alex shook his head and pulled me along as we made our way to another ride, his enthusiasm for theme park rides growing.

We spent the rest of the day ride every ride at least twice and we had to pull Alex away from the rollercoaster when he wanted to ride it for the third time. I fear we've created a monster.

"Thank you for trying to talk me out of going on the rollercoaster earlier. Even though I loved the ride, I appreciate you not forcing me to go and when I was determined you tried to make me feel better. So thank you."

Smiling we walked after the guys where they led us to one of the many food lines along the pier.

"I can't believe summer is almost over." I whispered as we clutched our drinks in one hand and I held a bag of mini donuts in my other while Alex was holding another funnel cake in his.

"I know." Alex shook his head, leading us away from the crowd. "I wish we didn't have to go home."

"Me either!" I laughed, "I wish we could stay on this summer vacation forever."

We both knew that going home was bound to be different. People would question us, me in particularly. Hopping from one brother to another was enough to cause even the biggest of towns to spread the gossip like wildfire and we live in a small town. Not more than 5,000 people altogether.

I cringed at what would be said about me around town but I knew that I couldn't do anything to help it. I loved Alex and I'd rather be ridiculed than be without him.

Going home meant facing things head on, going back to school, to work and just real life whereas here Alex and I are free to do whatever we want, be together, be happy.

We ate the rest of the food in a quiet thought filled silence before Justin and Harry made their way laughing towards us.

"Justin just scored majorly with the girls at the dart game, got three numbers and the number of one of the girl's boyfriends." Harry laughed cheerfully while what looked like tears were leaking out of the corner of his eyes.

"Yeah, yeah." Justin waved him off hand, "The rules to the game didn't say I had to get all girl names, so as long as I win I'll take who's ever number."

"Desperate?" Alex smirked reaching for my hand after he threw our drinks away.

"Desperate times call for desperate measures." Justin shrugged totally not caring that Alex and Harry were laughing at him in hysterics.

Alex joked with Harry the whole way back to the room but he was still firmly clasping my hand in his as I talked to Justin.

"They're just jealous because you're hot enough that every gender likes you." I whispered to Justin.

He grinned and let a laugh escape his throat. "Thanks Lucy. I am hot, aren't I?"

"Excuse me?" Alex mocked, his lips twitching as his eyes narrowed on me. "Did I just hear you say that Justin was hotter than me?"

In that moment I noticed Alex had let his guard down, he was laughing and joking with Harry and Justin like I've never seen before. He was..happy.

"No." I quickly shook my head.

Alex smirked wrapping our entwined hands over my shoulder pulling me to his side. Justin gave me a sly smile with the shake of his head and I laughed. Everything felt good. Perfect even but how long did perfect last? Let's just say, until we got to the hotel.


"Lucy. Your boyfriend has gone psycho." Harry laughed and I looked to see Alex laughing with a glint on the corner and I froze.

"Alex?" I pulled him to a stop causing both Justin and Harry to stop to look back at us, amused grins on their faces. "Are you...are you crying?"

His features sobered up instantly and he shook his head, kissing my forehead before we were walking again. We were stopped shortly after when the room door opened and Andy walked out. I felt Alex's grip tighten around my hand as Andy glared at the pair of us.

Looking away from Andy's annoying glare I took to looking at me shoes. "How's my sloppy seconds bro? Lucy being sluty as usual?" I felt my eyes feel with tears, Why was he so mean? "She's always been such a little tease."

"Shut. Up." Alex growled through clenched teeth. My tears had spilled over without my consent and I angrily cursed myself for being so weak in front of the guys. Looking up I noticed that Justin and Harry were glaring at Andy too, their hands in fist at their sides. "Don't talk about her like that. Show her some respect." Alex took his hand out of mine as he pushed his brother against the wall.

"I'm done being your punching bag." Alex muttered his voice holding a dangerous edge to it. "I'm done with all the bullshit you spew at me. At Lucy." He hissed, his grip tightening on his brother. Andy looked terrified as he stared at the little brother he'd pushed around his whole life.

"I. Love. Her." Alex gave a finally shove to Andy before letting him and stepping back to my side, "But you already knew that, you knew that all along."

"So." Andy shrugged, giving a mean glare to Alex. "She was mine first. It doesn't matter if you love her. She said yes to me before she ever agreed to talk to your sorry ass."

"Why are you still here?" I plucked all the courage I could to speak to him and it came out in a quiet voice.

Andy smirked, "I don't plan on leaving here until you are back with me."

"I don't want you here." I glared, "I never wanted you here. And I don't know how many times I can tell you no before you get the memo that I don't like you. I don't want to be around you anymore. You're becoming some crazy ex who's obsessed with me."

That thought terrified me to the core, he was already a crazy ex that was obsessed with me. Coming all the way to California, always being where I am, telling me lie after lie about Alex to get me to hate him. Telling me I was unlovable. Telling me no one else can have me but him.

I reached for the comfort of Alex who was already reaching for me. Andy glared as he watched Alex's hand go around my waist and I tugged him into the room with Harry and Justin following. We locked the door straight after, deadbolt and all.

So now what was I going to do? Andy is crazy and obsessed with me..

The Road to My HeartTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang