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- Mark's POV -

"Amy! They are on their way!" Screaming to her in the other room in excitement. "Perfect, I was just getting the pie out!" Amy yelling back to me. Hearing the excitement in her voice as well. Finishing the touches in his bedroom leaving the rose petals there before walking back to the kitchen. 

"Boo!" Amy jumping out of the closet by the kitchen making me jump up. "DAMN IT!" Laughing at her before she smiles a bit at me. "Pie is on the counter." Saying to me as I nod. "Did you finish the living room?" Asking her as she nods. "Perfect. I just finished his bedroom which mean we officially are done." Clapping my hands together smiling at her.

"Nope, not yet." Telling me with me cocking my eyebrows up at her. "We still need to put on the party hats and get ready for them to talk through the door." "You're right." Smiling to her. Going over to the table and grabbing one of the party hats and putting it on her. "Tada." Saying down to her as she giggles. "Tada." Copying me and putting a party hat on me as well. 

"Thank you my dear." "You're welcome!" Grabbing a can smiling looking at the door hearing footsteps outside of the door. 

That's them!

- Rynn's POV -

"Do you want to shower first?" Sean asking me with a smile on his face as we are still holding hands. "Sure, can I borrow some clothes?" Asking him. "Of course, kitten." Blushing at my new nickname from his as I look at the ground.

"Finally home sweet home." Sean saying outside of his apartment door before taking out the key to his house. Unlocking the door and opening it up as we walk in together. Suddenly confetti and silly sting being shot at us as I hear a familiar voice scream, "SURPRISE!" 

Laughing as I remove the silly string from my face and let go of Sean's hand to remove the confetti as well. Looking up seeing Sean smiling at a familiar face with a party hat on and an apron that says 'cooking hot stuff'.

"Mark?!" Both of us screaming at the same time as I run and attack hug him. Mark barely letting go of the thing of confetti and grabbing me so we don't both fall down. "I missed you so much!" Screaming into his chest hearing him laugh a bit. Letting go of him and turning to see a beautiful blonde girl staring at me.

"You must be Amy!" Saying to her with a huge smile on my face before walking over to her and hugging her. Her tensing up a bit before hugging me back as we both move away. "Yeah, how did you know who I was?" Asking me. "Mark talks about you all the time, plus I've seen pictures." 

"It's nice to meet you." "You as well." Smiling to one another before hearing Mark scream and hearing something getting knocked over. Looking over seeing Sean hugging Mark on the ground not letting go of one another. 

Laughing loudly at them before looking back over at Amy. "I should probably get mine off of yours." Saying to her as she laughs and nods. "Here, let me help you with that." Both of us walking over to them as I grab Sean. Pulling him off of Mark as Mark laughs trying to grab his glasses that have fallen onto the floor beside them. Amy grabbing them for him and handing them to Mark.

"I know I was missed but now I'm scared to visit again." Mark saying as Sean and I look at each other blushing. "WAIT! Why are you wet?! Great, now I'm wet as well." Mark glaring at Sean as I laugh. "OH yeah, I'm going to hop into the shower really quick. I'll be right back."

- Mark's POV -

As Rynn walks away into Jack's room assuming to grab some clothes I can see Jack staring at her happily. "So why are you both wet?" Asking him as Jack just smiles a bit. "We ran into the forest together and it started to rain. Then I asked her to be my girlfriend." Saying simply as his eyes glow. 

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