"Dancing Lights" by Nurse Redheart

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 It really was a busy day in the hospital, mainly due to the fact that Dr. Horse was busy with an interview. He was trying to find more staff members; Celestia knows we certainly need them. But it was hectic without him anyway. 

So when I went into Prep Room 29 of the hospital, I was not really paying attention to the face of the pegasus on the bed. That is, not until I saw the name on the file: "Swan Lights?" That name sounded very familiar. The pony on the bed smiled, and I was finally able to recognize her. "You danced the lead in the Royal Ballet of Canterlot's production of 'Cinderella', didn't you?" Once again, Swan Lights smiled. "Yes, that was me. Did you come to the show?" I had to calm myself down a bit before answering. "Absolutely! I try to support the arts as much as I can, though it is admittedly very hard to do with my schedule." Swan Lights seemed to settle down a little bit, watching the IV drip begin. She closed her eyes and smiled. "Dancers have a busy schedule too. But we manage, somehow. Some of us even have social lives." There was a hint of laughter in her tone. She went on to tell me about a few of her friends, from which a couple of stallions could be obviously seen to have fallen in love with Swan Lights. That wasn't really surprising, since she was not only athletic and seemingly a decent mare, but she could also be seen as beautiful. Tones in her mane shone almost like gold, and her coat was a lovely shade of turquoise. Her eyes, now closed in sleep, were blue. It was my opinion that Swan Lights was a pony who loved her friends and was loved in return. As the surgery team and I wheeled her in to the surgery suite, I thought of how happy her friends would be to see their friend feeling better. It  was going to be a bit of a different surgery today. Swan Lights had managed to fall during a rehearsal and break off a bit of her hip bone. We'd be putting a steel pin in one of the bones of Canterlot's favorite ballerina. No pressure. 

The surgery was going well, until the nurse monitoring Swan Lights's heartbeat called my name. "Nurse Redheart?! Blood pressure is decreasing rapidly!" 

I immediately stepped into emergency mode. Three steps had to be done, and they had to be done now: Find the problem, stop the problem, prevent other problems.

We found the problem quickly, in the form of a punctured blood vessel, probably hit by the bone fragment. It was fixed within a minute, and the last step would be that of placing the pin. Swan Scroll's blood pressure returned to normal, and I was able to pin the fragment back into place. Held like that, the bone would hopefully heal well enough for Swan Scroll to return to dancing, preferably very soon. After all, what would Canterlot be without a few dancing lights?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2016 ⏰

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