"By Any Other Name" by Nurse Redheart

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I reported for Special Operations duty at midnight last night, signing my last name, "Redheart", and my code into the enchanted lock. 

Oh, right. You probably don't know about the Special Operations wing. 

Firstly, it has nothing to do with fighting foreign powers, and everything to do with healing them. You see, from time to time, there are very powerful rulers that come to Equestria. Some come here on purpose, others by accident. Some of those are injured or sick, and those need care. The Princesses, therefore, made the Special Operations Ward  to house the recovering travellers. 

The S.O.W., as it is called among certain circles, is shielded from view by a spell so powerful, no pony can see, hear, smell, or touch it except through a Certain Pony's office. 

The senior staff takes turns in the S.O.W., and last night was my turn. Of course, that was the night that Princess Rose Serena De'Viridis decided to fall straight through the ceiling. 

When I arrived in the ward, several guards and the few full-time staff members of the Special Operations Ward were gathered in a circle, heads titled upwards towards an alarming swirling tunnel that seemed to be coming through the ceiling. I instantly headed towards General Venerande, the general on duty. He did not hesitate to give me a report. "Swirling energy mass. Most likely a portal, not sure where it's from." I thanked him, and watched the tunnel closely. Who knew what would come through? 

We all found out very soon. First came a shrill neigh, starting from far away and rapidly growing closer. "Venerande, the landing pad please!" I shouted. He and his ponies were positioning the large, soft cushion below the supposed portal. It was only a moment later that a screaming mass of red and white crashed into the cushion. The guards had barely moved out of my way before I was at the pony's side. It was a red mare, with the horn and wings of an alicorn. Her white mane and tail were messy, and her sides heaved with the effort of breathing. A stretcher was already being rushed to me, and the guards helped me get the alicorn onto it. As she was laid on the stretcher, a metal object fell from her mane. It was, indeed, a golden crown, denoting her as royalty of her land, wherever that may be. I ordered that she be taken to Suite Number Four, and for an intern in the unit to help me with the mare. She was regaining awareness by the time we reached the suite. Surprisingly, there were no signs of bleeding, internal or external. It seems that Alicorns are very magical indeed. A normal pony may have had organs injured, or every bone in their body broken. This mare, whose name I had yet to learn, seemed only to have had the wind knocked out of her, along with two broken ribs and a broken wing. The question was how bad the breaks would prove to be. I opted for an x-ray, which showed the wing would be able to heal with only a cast, while the ribs would need pins. The mare was now fully aware, and was asking questions left and right. But before I could answer her questions, I had some for her. "What is your name, Your Ladyship?" The mare acted surprised that I addressed her with such a title. That was odd. Royalty or nobility would normally be used to formality. Nevertheless, the mare answered with an answer worthy of royalty. "I am the Princess Rose Serena De'Viridis, of the kingdom of Chevala. Where dost I findeth mineself? Who art thou?"  

"Your Majesty is in the land of Equestria, and I am Redheart." Princess Rose's face lit up. "Most wondrous! I did land where I did wish to beest! Bid me, nurse, art thee and thy kind ruled by Celestia, Princess of the Sun? And by Luna, Princess of the Moon?"


"What fortune! May I talketh to thy princesses?" 

"Well, you see, Your Highness, your....accident...has left you with some injuries. We will need to perform surgery to repair two ribs."

"Wherefore I am in a a hospital, I supposeth. Ah, well. Where can I receiveth a page to taketh a message to thy Princesses?" 

"I'll see about getting a message to them. For now, I'd like to get you prepped for surgery, if that's okay."

"Surely! But please, make haste! I seeketh knowledge from those of mine own kind."

One of the things about working with royalty, especially ones from other dimensions, is that they all have things to do. Often, those things are very important things to do, especially when they request an audience with our Princesses. It adds a whole other level of urgency to my job. 

As Rose was prepped for surgery, I thought through what this operation would take. Two steel pins, connecting the broken halves of the ribs. A relatively simple surgery, but there were always certain risks. 

However, in the case of Princess Rose Serena De'Viridis, there were no complications. I was able to insert the pins with minimal trouble, and Rose woke up feeling only sore. Upon exiting the room where the recovering princess lay, I nearly ran into General Venerande, who was staring at the name on the file on the door. "Rose Serena De'Viridis? That's a bit of a mouthful. Ah, well." He looked over my shoulder slightly to look at the patient. He paused for a moment, then forced his attention away from the princess. He straightened up into his "steadfast general" stance, and stood at attention outside her door, as if guarding some priceless jewel. Barely moving his mouth, he whispered to me. "Never mind about the name. She can call herself whatever she wants." I restrained the urge to giggle at the general's sudden change of heart. After fetching a meal tray for the princess, I went back into the room. Princess Rose was sitting upright, front hooves placed daintily on the sheets. "Who was it thee were speaking to at the door?" "General Venerande, Your Majesty. He has decided to guard your door." This brought a brilliant twinkle to Rose's eyes, and she had a rather mischievous grin. "Lovely! That gent is perfectly handsome. Bid him to cometh talketh to me after mine own meal." Then she paused. "Pray tell, what did he sayeth to thee?" Now it was my turn to grin. Of course I wouldn't tell her Venerande's exact words, but I would let her know what he thought of her. So I smiled and simply said "A Rose by any other name would smell as sweet."

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