Start from the beginning

We stared into each other's until the bell rang. That's when I broke out of the trance.

"Right, I should probably go open the doors," the bell rang again "that would be our dates."

Saying this I made my way to the door and opened it to be greeted by sight of none other than William Anderson, along with Mason.

Well at least it's not some stranger. I thought.

And God did he clean up well!

He was dressed in a black shirt, with sleeve rolled up above his elbow, which by the way is the hottest way to wear one. His hair was styled to perfection and his eyes were like an ocean, making me want to drown as deep as possible.

"You look exquisite." He remarked, handing me a bouquet of red roses and admiring my outfit.

I placed the flowers on the table and made my way back to the front gate where Will was waiting for me, along with Kate and Mason.

Together we exited the house and got in the car. Mason was driving and Kate sat on the passenger seat leaving me and Will to sit in the back.

On the way to the diner we talked about random thins like food, Game of thrones and all things good.

And it was decided that we both love Chinese and Arya Stark. But Will didn't share my obsession with Jon Snow. Instead he was more inclined towards Sansa and her bright red hair.

Dinner was good to say the least. Mason being the gentleman he is booked us into one of the best restaurants in town, it wasn't too posh but definitely the right amount of cozy and classy.

We were talking about first kisses and I got reminded of the fact that Mason's first kiss was with Lexi Montgomery, one the most beautiful girls in our class, unfortunately for him, she left school while we were freshmen in high school.

Kate however had her first kiss with Cole, one of the jocks, at the junior prom. Which by the way is the reason for the everlasting hostility between Mason and Cole, in my candid opinion.

As if to prove my point, Mason gave Kate a long passionate kiss at the mention of Cole. Almost as if he was trying to wipe the kiss from her mind while simultaneously staking his claim.

Will had already informed us that his first kiss was with a girl named Cassandra who was her crush for quite some time before it happened. But she was in love with someone else so that ship couldn't sale for long. I don't know why but I felt like there was more to the story than he was letting on.

Now the time I was dreading from the start had arrived. Kate already knew this but the guys didn't, I was yet to have my first kiss.

I'm gonna have to make something up or else they would think I'm the biggest looser alive.

I mean I could tell it to Mase individually somewhere private but not at a restaurant table in public.

And maybe in the right timing I would tell Will too but I didn't feel like admitting it then.

"And what's the name of the lucky guy who stole your first kiss?" I heard Will ask. "I don't even know his name and I'm jealous of him already."


"No seriously who's the lucky bastard." He ask with a fake mean look.

Just as I opened my mouth and said, "actu-"

"Here's your bill. Thank you for visiting Jimmy's"

"Never mind" I muttered with a small smile appearing on my lips.

Saved by the waiter, I guess.

Mason and Will split the bill and we were moving out of Jimmy's before we spoke again,

"I had fun tonight." Kate declared.

"Me too." I replied with a smile.

"Well, me three." Said Mason.

"Me four." Will said with charming smile.

By this time we were in the car which was heading home at a good speed.

"So where were we again?" Will asked.

This time however I was saved by my bestie, who I guess, finally understood my hesitation.

"So Will tell us more about yourself. How girlfriends have you had, before you moved to star falls?"

"One only. If you could even call her that. It was Cassie, Cassandra. We dated for a while before she realized she was in love with that other guy." This time I could see it in his eyes, but I chose to remain silent.

"Well I find it hard to believe that a guy like you has had only one girlfriend so far..." Kate answered.

"It's good only because it's rare." He answered.

"Wow which genius scholar said that?" Mason asked.

"The great William Anderson did."

"I don't even know why I'm surprised." I said.

And thus Kate successfully distracted him and I made it home without embarrassing myself too much.

But I seemed to have forgotten that I'm not lucky enough to live a drama free life.

So when I said no to Will's offer to walk me to the door and said goodbye with a kiss on the cheek, I had no idea what good decision I made. Because when I entered the house premises, what I saw was certainly not something I wanted him too see.

A drunk Ashton Forbes sitting on the front porch of the house.

And that my friend is not something you wanna deal with.


I don't feel like writing an author's note so just please give me the fruit of my labor in form of your appreciation, that means by VOTES or COMMENTS.

Love, A.


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