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On recovering from the mini heart attack I endured on seeing him after two years, I took in his appearance.

He had changed in these two long years, his t-shirt clad chest was broader, face even more angular, somehow he looked manlier and even more gorgeous, but most of all he looked exhausted. His hair was all messy, sweat dripping from his face, clearly telling how tiered he was. Doing all the tgings I should have been doing for my uncle.

And I don't know why, but suddenly the two years felt like two decades.

Recognising me, his gorgeous blue eyes displayed some sort of friendly, softness as he ran his gaze all over me, before going back to his stone-cold facade.


"No it's her evil doppelganger Katherine." I said with with a fake smile.

"It is you." I could figure out if he was sad or glad on account of this fact.

Well atleast he remembers my sarcasm...

Before I could indulge him in  another sarcastic comment, my phone started to ring, not even bothering to check who had called, I received the call.

Anything to distract me from this Greek god of a Devil.

"Like that makes total sense" a voice inside me said.

"It makes total sense to me." I sneered to that inner voice and put the phone to ears.

"Hello" said the person on the other line,

I replied him with a "Hello, Jack?"

Jack was calling up to check on me.

As a faint smiled reached my lips, I moved past him, in the elevator, meanwhile he made his way out. It was good to know that people care about you, to check up on you. And it was so sweet of him.

After about ten minutes I reached my home, the place where I grew up, which held thousands of memories of all my loved ones, including Ash.
And I'm back to that idiot. Well done my dear brain!!!

Also I took the name of the one should not be named... Just like The Dark Lord. (Voldemort)

For different reasons of course, he should not be named because he's and ass and not because I or for that matter anyone is scared of him.

As I entered the place, I noticed that there had been no changes the furniture was as I had left it, everything was the same. The dining table stood as it did two years ago, so did the sofa set in the next room. The same blue satin curtains were drapped around the windows.

I climbed up and made my way into my small little room, as I switched on the light, I saw that everything was clean like somebody came in here daily, and cleaned it up. Uncle Blake could barely keep his room tidy let alone mine, he's too busy with managing work. So who could have done this?

Not bothering much about that, I went into my bathroom, and took a long relaxing bath, much needed after the day I've been through. The warm water calmed me down as, I lay in the tub thinking about uncle, the doctor had assured me that he's okay, the accident made me so scared that the list of What Ifs  I made up in my mind was enough to make me cry.

This was an experience which I'll never forget. This also got me thinking about my decision of leaving town. But at that time in that emotional sate maybe that was for the best.

The Perks Of Falling For Your Bestfriend✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora