"How are we going to get there now?" Melody asks as Natsu lights a fire.
"Can't you just manifest another ship?" Levy asks. Melody shakes her head.
"No, manifesting a ship consumes too much magic, and if those ships are still out there, it won't be worth it." Melody says. Natsu sits next to me and I lean my head on his shoulder.
"Maybe there's civilisation somewhere here." Erza suggests.
"I don't think so." Lucas says. "One of us would of smelt them by now." I suddenly feel a pain in my stomach. I clutch it and bend over.

"Luce?" Natsu asks.
"Lu, you ok?" Levy asks. I nod my head. Man, this hurts. Melody crouches in front of me and places a hand on my stomach.
"This is bad." She says with worry in her eyes.
"Whats bad!?" Natsu asks worriedly. I know what's wrong. Something's wrong with the child. I shouldn't even have cravings, but I've been craving a lot of strawberry cake, much to Erza's dismay. I was starting to show as well, but Natsu, being the dense idiot he is, hasn't noticed. Everyone else has either guessed that I'm pregnant or is as stupid as Natsu.

"I need everyone to give us some privacy." Melody says in a commanding tone. "Erza, I need you to bring me water. Lucas, see if there are any healing herbs. Aurelia, help me. Natsu, just hold her hand." Everyone clears away further down the beach. Erza heads into the forest with Lucas to get what Melody needs. Melody summons a blanket and lays me down on it. Natsu sits beside me, holding my hand. Melody and Aurelia sit at the foot of my legs.

Erza and Lucas soon return with some water and healing herbs.
"Sugar!" Melody exclaims suddenly. I feel a pain between my legs.
"What is it?" Lucas asks.
"Her water broke." She says.

"Calm down Lucy." Aurelia says.
"What does she mean?" Natsu asks.
"THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" I scream at him. He looks at me confused.
"This is normal considering the circumstances, don't worry Natsu." Erza says. Erza was eavesdropping when I tested, so she knew.

"3,2,1." Melody counts. "Pull!" I use my muscles to try and hold the baby in. I squeeze Natsu's hand and he screams in pain. Aurelia place a healing herb on my stomach and chants something. The herb glows pink and my pain eases. A little. But it's better.
"We have a problem." Melody says. Lucas places another herb on me and pours some water on it.
"What is it?" I ask.
"You may have to get it out now."

"WHAT!?" I exclaim.
"I still don't know what's going on." Natsu says. But we all ignore him.
"It's forcing itself out of you." Melody explains. "Either you force it in and you both die. Or you let it out, and you survive, and most likely it too." I can do this.
"I won't let anything hurt my Luce!" Natsu yells. Again, ignored.
"Ok, let's get it out." I say. Melody nods and smiles.

"Erza, take Natsu away, and keep him away." Melody instructs. "Lucas, get something for Lucy to hold. Aurelia, help me." Erza grabs Natsu from behind and carries him away. He tries hitting her, but he's only knocked out. Lucas somehow manages to uproot a small tree for me to squeeze. I grab the trunk and prepare for a nightmare.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAH!" I scream in agony.
"Just a but more Lucy." Aurelia says. Lucas comes back with the fourth tree. I'd broken the others....
"I can't do it...." I say. I was exhausted.
"Yes you can." Melody says. "What happened to the Lucy that helped me defeat a demon? What happened to the Lucy that convinced Natsu he wasn't a monster? What happened to the Lucy that closed the eclipse gate? What happened to the Lucy that impressed Levy and Wendy on the first day because she was strong? What happened to the Lucy saved Plue? What happened to the Lucy that wasn't afraid to make jerza happen? What happened to my friend?" Melody has tears in her eyes. So do I. She hugs me and I hug back. The pain disappearing. How could I be so stupid?

"WAAAAH!" I hear a cry. My heart stops. Melody pulls away and I see Aurelia, covered in blood, but holding something. More tears come to my eyes. Lucas sits me up against a log. Aurelia passes the baby to Melody who manifests a blanket around it. She then passes it to me.
"It's a girl." Melody says smiling, tears rolling down her cheeks. Aurelia uses a tissue to wipe her eyes. And Lucas, who rarely shows emotion, had a tear in his eye. I look down at my baby. She has Natsu's pink hair and skin tone. I wish I could see her eyes, but they're closed.
"Let's get you cleaned up." Aurelia says.

Lucas had left to get Natsu. Melody and Aurelia were cleaning up the blood. Melody then manifested a whole bed for me to lay down on. It took some effort, but I was moved to the bed. Natsu arrives and stares at me, wide eyed. Oh no....what was he going to say?
"We'll leave you alone." Aurelia says as she and Melody walk away.

Natsu sits beside me on the bed and stares at his daughter.
"Is it-?" Natsu asks. I nod my head. Happy, who seemed to come out of nowhere, stood beside me on the bed, but he kept quiet. Natsu takes our daughter in his arms and stares at her. There's something in his eyes that tells me to not worry about what he thinks. Very quickly, he kisses me. He parts and grins at me.
"Why didn't you tell me?" He says.
"I was going to but, but I was scared." I say. Natsu kisses me again.
"You didn't have to be." He says. I smile at him. He kisses our daughter's cheek and she opens her eyes. They're brown.

"What are we going to call her?" He asks

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"What are we going to call her?" He asks.
"Well, I have a few names." I say. During my long nights I was thinking of about 33 baby names for each gender, but I want her to have one of these. "I was thinking, Lyria, Lyra, Luna or Nashi."
"I like Nashi." Natsu says. "It's similar to both of our names." I don't see it, but whatever. Nashi makes a noise.
"Hello Nashi."


Lucy: uhhhhh....
Nalu: 0//////////0
Wendy: ummm....
Me: *ahem* anyway, everyone say bye.
Everyone: byieeee

Nalu: The Pirate Duo (completed)Where stories live. Discover now