Emily nodded and went back to scrolling on Twitter.

Oh, let me introduce Emily to you.

She's pretty and cute. Picture someone who's face looks sweet, innocent, and baby face. Then add in a bit of resting bitch face. You'll get a vibe that will make you think she's a snob, but she's just really shy.

The case right now is different though cos she actually is bitching.

Also, she's smaller than me. I'm a 5'2", I think she's a 5' or 4'11", I'm not sure. Yes, I know we're both small, we're sorry. We've been bestfriends since high school, both scholars which I am proud of. Then we both went to college in the same university, one of the top schools at the country. She managed to get a full scholarship there too. I didn't cos I'm lazy, well, whatever. On top of all that she's better than me in speaking English. I can write essays sure, but talking, nope. I'll let Emily do the honors.

Which reminds me, if one day Karla and I will meet personally, Emily certainly is at the top of my things to bring list. Or people on her case rather, lol.

So, what else. Well, we're both introverts. We go out and meet people from time to time but we stay at home 80 percent of our lives. We do love adventures but a lot of preparation has to be done first which eventually just cancels out everything planned. Very lame and boring, I know.

Our group of friends in college do the spontaneous shit and they tag us along. We love that about them cos it balances everything out. Usually, I and Emily are inseparable and quite perfectly contented with each other's company, but when life gets boring we have them to spice it up a bit.

It's almost midnight and Emily decided to sleepover. We don't have school tomorrow so it's okay.

Between her and me, she's the athletic one. I prefer arts and music more than sports. She plays volleyball when we're still at high school. She can dance too! I, on the other hand, play the piano and guitar. I also paint and yeah, artsy crafts. We have a bit of talent of each other's forte, though. And I really love that about us because I relate to her with the things she likes and she does with mine too.

All of these interests aside, we're both busy at college so we had to let go and focus on academics. What degree program do we study you might ask? Well, I don't like sharing it. Let's just say it's on the science and technology side. Besides, we're both introverts so, nope, no time and energy for anything but acads.

There's something Emily and I don't get along with actually. It's about me getting passionate with the world's current issues and advocating what should change for the better or whatnot. She prefers not thinking about them but I, on the other hand, think about them a lot.

That's when I appreciate knowing Karla. I get to explore my thoughts with her and she shares her meaningful insights to me. And I truly appreciate having that relationship with someone.

We, together with my siblings, played Uno cards a while ago while also watching a movie. We got bored so we also played Jenga. Geez, I hate that game. And now we're both kind of tired. I sent a text to Karla saying I'll be sleeping already. And I still wonder why she asked me what my fave local snack is cos I find it really weird.

Camila's POV

We just finished eating our lunch and now we're in a nearby grocery store. Normani and Lauren stayed at the tour bus since they feel like taking a nap. With that, Dinah and Ally accompanied me, along with some security. Thankfully, there are not much customers around so we can avoid the fuss.

A small girl caught us, though. "Mami mami, pip hamony!" the little girl said. We happily granted her a selfie together with her mother and a bit of chit chat. The little girl and I are busy on our own bubble while Ally and Dinah talk to her mom.

When we finished saying goodbyes, Dinah stated quietly "You're so good with kids, Mila." Also offering a small smile.

I just timidly smiled back, paying attention to her soft calm voice. This is not the usual Dinah.

Sighing, my thoughts flew somewhere far.

Fifth Harmony had gone a long way since 2012. We were a bunch of fools way back then, always messing around. But fights, misunderstanding, and pride gets in the way like how any family or group would encounter. Those episodes of our life stained our relationship to each other, mostly mine towards them. I caused half of the issues anyway.

I know we tried and managed to patch things up recently but we all know that I've always been sad, depressed, anxious and shit. It has been a long battle alone already, and I don't think anyone can help fix myself but myself.

I miss us. I admit that from the deepest hollow space in my heart. But what exactly do I do with myself.

"Uhm Mila, why are we here again?" Ally asked.

"Oh, I wanted to see the international products section. I need to find something."

They both looked at me oddly but helped me look for it nevertheless. Dinah made a quick look around the place while Ally asked a staff we bumped into.

"Okay so the guy said it's at the 24th aisle near that corner," said Ally while pointing to its direction.

We went there and I headed straight to the Philippines' goods part. I immediately found the Boy Bawang Jasmin told me but I can't find the other one. What is it again, I forgot. I checked my phone and saw that it's Mik-mik. Dinah apparently peeped on my phone as well and looked at me with a raised eyebrow. I just shrugged and she still proceeded on helping me.

"Heya Ally, Chancho's looking for something called Mik-mik."

"Oh okay sure let me help."

We all struggled on finding it since we all don't even know what it is. Even the staff. But somehow I found myself rummaging a pile of gold chocolate coins and a lot of other goods similar to that, well Jasmin did tell me it's for her sweet tooth pleasure. I was surprised to see Mik-mik's actually a sweetened powder. And they have two flavors, milky and choco. Well, I'll get both. Meanwhile, Boy Bawang is a corn snack. Not bad Jasmin. As long as they're not something really weird, yeah? Like dog meat. That would break my heart so much.

"Okay Mila, so can we go now?" Dinah questioned.

"Oh yeah wait, where's the baking section? We need vanilla extract so I can make pancake for y'all tummies," Ally exclaimed.


We finished our stop and headed straight back to the tour bus. I know Dinah wanted to ask me why I bought such things but she opted on letting me do just whatever I want to do.

Feeling grateful, I made a move to thank her. I kissed Dinah's cheek and said, "Thank you, Cheechee."

She smiled at me that reached her ear. "No problemo. You should me give me some doe, I wanna try them."

"Sure, but not until Lauren tasted them first."

Dinah stared at me and gave a meaningful look again after I said that. She must be really curious what in the world is going on. She just shrugged when she realized I'm not going to respond to her intrigued face.

"OK, C," she said then gave me light pat on my head.

I giggled when she stood up in a sassy way. Typical DJ.

I went to the snack cabinet and placed the stuff I bought. Pretty sure Lauren will see all these, she always looks for something to eat. But just to be sure, I made a simple note with a "To: Lolo" written on it.

Leaving the note there, I returned to my bunk and took a nap.


Meh, am I boring you? Sorry had to dedicate a chapter introducing Jasmin and Emily.

Take care always xx

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