20 Days Of | Answers

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Day 15


Alex | Alisha

10:45 p.m.

It won't hurt you to reply once, ya know?
10:47 p.m.

Or it'll if you know you're busy with stuff ;)
10:50 p.m.

Stop it Alex.
10:51 p.m.

I haven't even started yet. We need to talk.
10:53 p.m.

We don't.
10:54 p.m.

We do. And you're gonna answer me.
10:55 p.m.

I don't owe you. Leave me fucking alone. You don't even have to worry about me. I'm perfectly fine WITHOUT you. See :)))
10:57 p.m

Writing in capitals and adding those smileys won't prove anything.
10:57 p.m.

I'm simply telling you. There isn't anything to prove.
10:58 p.m.

Oh yeah? How about that blank call on my phone today evening?
10:59 p.m.

I don't know what you're talking about.
11:00 p.m.

Too bad. I'm familiar with the way your breath trembles when you cry. Sometimes, I really wanna believe that you hate me. If only your eyes didn't speak volumes...Why are you pretending Alisha?
11:01 p.m.

You know what? I'm done with your games. I really don't care anymore. Go fuck yourself or whatever. You can't keep on dragging me down with you. You think you can fool with me all 'We broke up because I don't love you anymore' act but too bad I know you more than I know myself. I just wanted an answer. What went wrong just because I don't feel myself worthy anymore for anything else after loosing you.
11:03 p.m.

Just tell me, why you keep stealing glances my way, why you have been crying, why you are sick right now, why you called me last night, why the fuck are you pretending so badly? Because maybe it's hurting me more than you!
11:04 p.m.

What the hell you want me to do then? Write break up songs about you? Cry on your face every minute when I seeing you try moving on from me? Burn our photos and flush it? Because I can't... it's not helping Alisha... I can't stop thinking about you. You've ruined me.
11:05 p.m.

Hehe See?
You want answers because 'you' are hurting. You need them because 'your' heart is broken. You need to know the explanation because it'll help 'you' to move on. You need to know so that 'you' could feel worthy of yourself.
11:08 p.m.

Have 'you' stopped and thought once, in between all these what'll happen to 'me'? How much it will cost 'me' to show my demons?
11:09 p.m.

To 'you' I'm the selfish one who doesn't wants you to move on?
11:10 p.m.

That's why I never told you or anyone. It doesn't matters, because in the end, EVERY MAN FOR HIMSELF REMAINS TRUE. Just remember it's all done for 'you.'
11:11 p.m.

*User blocked*

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Text messages, bc why not??

Muahahahhaha lol. What's up with Alisha? And who blocked whom? 😉

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