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I appreciate all the comments you guys leave. It motivates me.


<Your POV>

'The pleading look on his face makes me want to kill him.' You thought maliciously as you drove your sword forward.

'This is more profitable-'

"(Y/N) I-I love you!"

Your eyes widened as the disbelief flooded over you.


You quickly came to a stop at Ja'far's neck, cutting it slightly, as Guan huffed in amusement.

"Oh? What's this?" The Sub Zero members laughed behind the red-head. "Were those your last words?" He then walked up to the silver-haired male laying helplessly on the floor and pressed his boot against the side of his cheek, pushing his head into the floor. "(Y/N)... Kill this kid." Guan then stepped off stood to the side. "Let's see if you still have it in you."

"Don't worry." You raised your blade above your head again and prepared to strike. "I do."

'Ja'far is probably trying to save himself.'

"It's nice to have someone who actually follows orders." The male added as he shot a glance to Kartos.

You swung down on the injured advisor that lay before you. You could see Ja'far's look of horror as the blade neared his soft neck.


Your sword was parred with a curved blade.

"We need him alive." You looked up to see Kartos' defiant glare as he struggled to keep your sword away.

"This better be good. Or it wont be just Ja'far getting his head cut off." Guan retorted while folding his arms together. You then layed off and stood to the side.

"We can keep Sinbad in the dark of what we're doing and extort from him." Kartos retorted  with a stern look. "After all, he is the king's Advisor."

"You do realize-"

"(Y/N) can watch him the castle, the king seems to trust her." He interrupted as you waited with your weapon, ready to head Guan's command. Because of your past with the gang, it was almost instinct.

'I guess old habits die hard.'

The read-head blinked in thought.

"Well whatever... But if I clearly don't see results then..." The leader moved his attention to Ja'far. "You're dead."

'Well, he's going to end up dead anyway...' You chuckled mentally.

"(Y/N), take this waste of space back to the palace." He waved his hand in dismissal as you helped Ja'far up. "I'll send someone to check with every few days."

"Roger." You replied simply. 'Why do I have to check in so many times with different people?' You mentally groaned.

You then dragged the male on your shoulder slowly at the door.

"Have fun." You heard teasingly behind you.

'Don't worry, I will.' The bell on the door jingled as it shut behind you.

"Hey, (Y/N)?" Ja'far said weakly after you were further from the bar.

"Hmm?" You tilted your head in his direction and waited for him to speak.

"Y-You... You were really going to kill me back there weren't you?" He questioned nervously.

"Yeah, what about it?" You responded without giving him any attention.

"W-What?" The male almost chocked on his own words.

<Ja'far POV>

The silver-haired male was shocked by her answer.

'Is she serious?'

"Well the objective has changed, so don't worry about it too much." (Y/N) then added in a matter-of-fact way.

Ja'far then turned his head slowly to look forward.

'How could I have forgotten?


She really is just some merk after money.

How could I have been so foolish as to fall in love with such a person-
How could I be thinking about love?! She almost killed you in cold blood Ja'far! I'm-'

A voice stopped his thoughts.

"Ja'far, how are you?" She asked him with a lingering tone of worry.

'W-Where is this coming from so suddenly?'

"Physically, I'm okay I gue-"

"No, emotionally." (Y/N) interrupted.

"I'm..." He started.

'How do I feel?


"Conflicted." The female then raised a brow. Ja'far the met her (E/C) gaze and looked at her seriously. "(Y/N), do you even have a heart?"

"A heart?" She smirked. "Of course- Oh you mean feelings..."

<Your POV>

"I- Never mind, we need to sneak you into the palace and get you bandaged up before anyone sees you this way." You dodged.

'I don't think I have them.'

Contracted Killer ( Ja'far X Reader )Where stories live. Discover now