Blood Thirst

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"A certain magi to be specific."

'I know where this is going...'

"But that's for later... The festival starts in one month and you need to be prepped for what is planned." Ja'far instructed while crossing his arms.

"Go on..." You nodded reassuringly.

"A group built from raiders and mercenaries called Sub Zero, is trying to smuggle stolen weapons and supplies in and out of this country- Long story short, they are planning to setup a way-station here." He then stated while looking at you intently.

'Sub Zero?! I used to run with them a few years back.'

"So what is this? A sweep and retrieve?" You cocked an eyebrow at him. "Not necessarily a challenge."

"Hold your horses. If you're not careful, you could end up having a funeral with a closed casket..." The male replied.

"I'll be fine, I'm not weak." You responded with a determined look.

"I can believe that... So familiarize the city by yourself, if you're spotted with me by them it may raise suspicion." Ja'far advised while standing from the table. "I'll be monitoring from a distance of course."

'Stalking but whatever.'

"I'll head out now, it's late so not that many people should be out to get in my way." You then stood up and walked over to the kitchen exit. 'The red light district is where they might be staying.'

"See you on the other side." He said while smiling.

'If he wasn't tied to his King... We actually might make a decent team- With him being an X-Assassin and all.'

"Y-Yeah... Thanks again for the 'proper' meal." You waved to him as you stepped outside into the hall. 'Eventually I'll have to kill him...'

You suddenly grew anxious as the corridor looked longer than it was supposed to be. Your steps slowed to a stop while the hall seemed to be fading to black. Faint whispers filled your ears as that same ominous feeling from earlier set the mood.

"Oi (Y/N)?" You snapped out of your trance to see Alibaba trying to get your attention. "I wanna talk to you about something."

"Uh look kid, I'm a little busy at the moment." You replied impatiently. "And what are you doing so up late anyway? Go back to bed."

"I couldn't sleep..." He said quietly while tilting his head down. 'Oh, uh...'

"What's the matter?" You responded suddenly sounding sympathetic.

"(Y/N)... About the person that will arrive here soon." The blonde's eyes darkened as you leaned against the wall. "I want you to kill him for me."

"Well I-"

"I'm well aware you want money... I'll give a portion of it right now and the rest when it's done."

"As much as I like your offer... I'm currently employed to another party so you're out of luck." You shrugged.

"Just cover it up from Sinbad..." Alibaba added in a hushed tone.

Contracted Killer ( Ja'far X Reader )Where stories live. Discover now