Just Visiting

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Waking up the next day you rubbed your temples and quickly noticed it was around one in the afternoon.

Since you stayed up into the night waking up late was inevitable.

As you came to you casually ran your fingers through your hair. 'Wasn't something there was happening today? If so, why wasn't I woken up?' You didn't feel like questioning the extra sleep you got, so you dismissed it, although it did seem a bit odd.

You rolled out of bed and quickly got dressed in casual attire before heading out the door.

The corridor seemed a bit more empty than usual, normally, maids could be seen making their way frantically across the palace. Now, there was only one maid making her away down the hall carrying a bundle of freshly washed towels.

"Good Afternoon Miss (Y/N)." The maid greeted as she walked by.

"Good mornin- Er- Afternoon." You fumbled your words while scratching the back of your head. "Where's everyone?"

"Lord Sinbad and the others are down by the docks to welcome the Kou prince. But now that I think about it they may already be back." She responded as she bowed politely. "Ja'far instructed us not to wake you."

'Ja'far huh?'

"Thanks." You motioned for her to relax and walked off. 

'It's already late so they must be back soon.' You told yourself as you continued to wander the hall. 'Or they might be already be here.'

You heard giggling near by and made your way over to a raised balcony overlooking what looked to be a garden.

You looked below and saw Alibaba, Morgina, and Aladdin conversing with what looked to be the Kou prince and some other young girl who had pink hair. 'Didn't Alibaba almost hire me to kill him?' You raised a brow as you watched them shake hands with each other awkwardly.

Right before you looked away the blonde fell to the ground with a loud thump and clutched his arm in a painful manner as an ominous and dark energy radiated from him.

Without warning, your sword began to glow through its sheath and made a low humming noise as Alibaba looked weaker.

'W-What is this?' Your eyes widened to the sudden realization.

"It's not safe to seek the attention." You looked back to see Judal standing a few feet away from you. "Your blade seems to be reacting with the dark rukh within Alibaba."

"That kid has black rukh?" You questioned while trying to conceal your glowing blade.

"Tons of it." He stated with an evil smile forming on his face.

You turned back around and saw the group rush to his aid. 'What?' You then looked back to where the magi was standing before but he was gone. 'Where did he go?'

Now you paid attention to your own problem, someone was bond to notice the large among of dark energy coming from your blade. And if they found you it might lead to suspicion of you having some involvement with the blonde's injury.

'I need to find somewhere secluded.' You instructed yourself as you threw your hood over your head. 'But where...'

Looking around you saw nearby pillar that seemed to lead up to the palace roof. You quickly grabbed a hold of the vines growing on it and climbed your way up to the roof where you found a spot to overlook the island.

Once settled, you took time to take in the vast view of the country, it was beautiful. The sun was in the middle of the sky and a cool breeze moved your hair back. You put your hand to your head in an attempt to shield yourself from the suns rays.

"Wow..." You felt yourself say. 'I might come here again if I want to be alone... This also might be a good place to meet Jud-'

"What are you doing up here?" You looked to the side to see Ja'far giving you a quizzical look.


"I heard I could get a nice view of the city below from up here." You replied with a small smile. "And well..."

"You're sword (Y/N)... It's glowing?" The male then took a step closer to get a better view.

"Oh this? It's nothing, I'm just trying to tune my power." You waved your hands in a dismissing manner and stepped back.

'Alibaba must have been the trigger!'

"You're not bad you know." Ja'far stated as he cocked an eyebrow.

"T-Thanks, I was hoping calming myself down would help." You commented when the glow went down.

"Anyway, I have a message for you, Sin has told to me to inform you that you'll be speaking to Hakuryuu soon." He paused to cross his arms. "He believes you'll have something valuable to teach him."

'That must be the Kou prince's name.'

"What's with that tone anyway?" You shook your head and tisked. "Have a little faith in me... But who says I'm willing to? He's a prince, he should already know more than me."

"If Sinbad believes in you I believe in you." The silver-haired male gave you a determined expression.

You let out a sigh and nodded your head.

"If you're that passionate... I'll take care of it."

"I-I'm not that passionate!" His pale cheeks slightly blushed as he stuttered. "I just agree with Sin-"

"Whatever." You chucked a little before realizing...

'Poor guy, I'll have his head for money.'

You actually thought he was a decent guy, even if he could act like a mother sometimes.

"Now then, I'm gonna go wander around the palace." You waved a small goodbye before turning.

"Wait." There was a hand on your shoulder.

Contracted Killer ( Ja'far X Reader )Where stories live. Discover now