Warm Welcome

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Ja'far glared at the bronze male. "No... I found her fighting Alibaba with an interesting sword skill. Although once she saw me she made a run for it."

"Hey, I just walked off... I didn't run I-"

"Sword skill you say?" The tan male interrupted while rubbing his chin, now focused on you.

"Let the girl speak you sword-crazed freak!" A female with sky-blue hair retorted to him.

"At least I'm not a-"

"Yamraiha! Sharrkan! Settle down!" You then looked over to see a huge green dragon looking... 'man?' Turning back to Ja'far you saw him with his hand up to his nose leaning his head back in disgust.

"Well (Y/N), you're not from around here are you? I haven't seen you around my city." A muscular man with long purple hair said directly to you.

"Correct, I just arrived from Balbadd and I'm staying in a hotel near the palace actually." This peaked his interest.

"Balbadd you say? Does Alibaba know about this?" The man then shifted his attention to Ja'far standing next to you.

"Yes, (Y/N) told him herself and then..." Ja'far whipped his head around to you giving you an intense glare. "Show King Sinbad what I saw back there." You reluctantly drew you blade and started gathering light magoi. 'If I show them this one they will probably leave me alone.'

"Now this is interesting..." Sinbad commented as your blade started glowing a light yellow. "So the one at the Colosseum is not the only one who can use it."

"(Y/N)." Ja'far said strictly. "That wasn't what I saw." Every one at the table then had their attention to you. 'Really?' You swung your blade around and made it so for a brief moment it glowed an intense purple releasing a strong gust of wind in the room that spilled drinks and knocked over plates. Yamraiha was the first to break the silence.

"A magoi infused strike? Not only that but then... Also black rukh?" She then threw you a stare. "Do you have a Djinn or use magic? Or could it be... Who's household member are you..?" Yamraiha's voice got quiet as she turned to look at Sinbad who was resting his chin on his hand.

Sinbad's stern look then melted into a small smile as he stood up from the round wooden table and strolled over to you.

"(Y/N), would you like to stay in my Palace for the rest of your stay?" Sinbad asked reaching his hand out to you.

"W-What?! Sinbad we don't even know her and for all we know she could be plotting against us!" Ja'far stated standing next to you.

"Ja'far you worry too much. (Y/N), could you please step outside for a moment?" Sinbad whispered retracting his hand and gently shoving you out of the room.

Once Sinbad closed the door behind you, you leaned your head against the door in an attempt to hear what they were saying.

"With all due respect Sin, why do you want her to stay here?" You heard Ja'far object raising his voice.

"Did you not just see her abilities? She could become an asset to us and if she is a household member what would she be doing here without her King? I want you to stay with her and observe her during her time here, tell some maids to go get her belongings from the hotel and bring them here... I'm stealing her." You then lifted your head from the door and stepped back to make it seem like you weren't listening into the conversation. 'What was that?'

The door swung open as Ja'far stood in the middle of the doorway with his arms crossed.

"(Y/N)... You're now staying in the Palace with us so I'm going to introduce you to the Eight Generals and our King." He then gestured to the crowd gathered behind him.

Contracted Killer ( Ja'far X Reader )Where stories live. Discover now