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"I hope that you don't honestly believe that you'll be able to kill me." Kartos chuckled before looking back to the remaining raider. "You! Go tell the Lion Division what's going on!"

"Yes sir!" The bandit retorted before jumping back on the roof and bolting off.

"(Y/N) go after him, last thing we need is Sub Zero knowing about this!" Ja'far instructed under his breath.

Without a word you left after the bandit. 'It's in both of our interest to have him dead.'

The messenger was ahead of you, frantically jumping from roof to roof.

"You won't get away!" You shouted after him.

"Master Sun Guan will have your head for this!" He yelled back in defense.

'Sun Guan?!'

You picked up the pace, you definitely didn't want him knowing of your presence in Sindria, not now.

Being right behind him, he made a desperate jump into the air. 'Fool.' A small grin rested on your face.

Mid-air combat was your specialty.

You quickly jumped after him and brought your leg around to kick his body forcibly back down. The impact leaving a dent on the roof as he howled in pain.

You raised your weapon over your head.

"I don't remember Zero members being this pathetic." You teased the raider.

His eyes widened in fear as the blood drained from his face, unable to speak.

"It's over."


The clash of metal surprised as you were knocked back. 'What?!'

You quickly flipped back and landed on your feet, a few yards from the figure who was standing defiantly in front of the panicked messenger.

Dressed in all black and wielding a long katana, one word came to mind. 'Assassin.'

"You." A low voiced stated to the bandit. "Run."

He gave a alarmed yelp before scrambling to his feet and doing the best he could to put distance between you.

"(Y/N)..." The cloaked figure then pointed his blade at you in a challenging manner, yellow eyes lit up by the moonlight. "Your capture is assured."

You slid your gaze away to the injured messenger making his escape. 'The chances of him bleeding out before he relays the information to the Lion Division are slim, so I better make sure he doesn't.'

"I have no time for you." You jumped over the ninja and proceeded for the bandit.

Having not gone far, the raider howled in pain as you planted your sword in his back. Blood running down the blade as you slowly took it out. 'My task is done... Now-'

"Maybe now you do." The figure landed lightly before you and reset their challenging demeanor. "Metal vessel Shuten Dōji."

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