September 11th, 2016 {11:43 pm}

122 3 0

Dear Diary,

Idk if this counts as an actual diary since it's online n' shit, but whatever I already made a cover so no going back now.

Today was okay I guess. I've been ill for the past couple days but I think I'm getting over it. Since I hadn't gotten sick over the summer I forgot how much I hate it. First of all, I couldn't drink water without my throat ultimately dying of pain, and boi I hate using tissue boxes. I've gone through a total of two tissue boxes and a roll of tp, because I rAN OUT OF TISSUE BOXES.

Other then my peachy physical wellbeing, my emotional shit ain't that great.

Things have been sucking ass for the last 9 months or so, where I've been more sad than usual. I can't help it either. It's like when people say "they've been whacked by the ugly stick," except I've been whacked with a sad stick. A very sad stick. I don't know when I'll get out of this mini raincloud over my head, but I hope it happens soon because I'm kinda sick of it.

Something exciting needs to happen, because I'm getting bored.

Whelp, that's pretty much all of my feeling right now, so I hopefully won't forget about this tomorrow. BECAUSE IF I DO, FUTURE LAUREN YOU SUCK MAJOR FUCKING DICK. (I've tried keeping multiple diaries but they've all failed).

'Tis all,
Lauren :)))

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