Reylo - café conversation 2.0- modern setting - Reylo!seriously dating

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This is an alternate ending for café conversation

Rey and Kylo are at a café talking. The subject of home life is brought up by Kylo and Rey gets upset. Kylo asks why and she explains that she was raised by an abusive, adoptive parent called unkar plutt and never knew her birth parents. Kylo puts his arm around her to comfort her, but Rey shrugs him off, still upset. "People have felt bad for me all my life, but they only feel sorry, they don't help, they never help!" "I want to help" Kylo says, pulling out a small box and getting down on his knee. Rey looks at him, shocked, but hopeful. "All my life I've been hurt and  I don't want to be hurt any more. I love you, Kylo Ren and I would be honored to be your wife." Then, a huge smile takes form on his face and he smoothly picks her up and she leans in and the room erupts in clapping and cheers. When they finish the kiss, he puts her gently on her feet and they walk to the register, hand in hand, pay silently and leave.

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