Chapter 23: Keep the promise

Start from the beginning

"What are you waiting for, princess?" he taunted her. "Too weak to see some blood?"

She continued to glare at him for a moment before plunging her sword into his arm, reproducing the wound he inflicted to her Gajeel.

"That was for Gajeel" she said in a serious tone. "And that" she added, lifting her weapon once more "that is because, unlike you, I have a heart".

To that, she hit his head, knocking him out, sparing his live.

"You'll be an excellent queen" told her Mira, placing a hand on her still trembling shoulder.

"Levy!" Called out Lucy while the room was starting to get relatively quiet before throwing herself at her.

With a quick glance, the young woman understood that the battle was over. Each and every guard was either beaten up or had surrendered. As for August, Laxus was holding him without delicacy.

"What are you waiting to kill me, your highness?" He said with disdain.

Levy got out of Lucy's grip, a neutral expression on her face. Since her fight was over, she only had an idea in mind and that idea didn't concerned August.

"And murdering someone to make my way to the throne like you did?" she calmly started. "No way. The palace's dungeons will finally be used on true criminals" she concluded before turning her back on him.

She didn't feel any hate. It simply wasn't in her nature. And right now, the only thing in her mind was to meet up with Gajeel and make sure he had kept the promise he made to her.

With one look at Lucy, she indicated that she was going to get by Gajeel's side. Then, she used the last bit of energy she had and ran to the one she loved.


Gajeel and Juvia charged. Everything was on the line right now and after this battle, they would finally be free, one way or another. But Gajeel neither Juvia was willing to fall in combat. During those last few weeks, they had found more reasons to fight than they ever had in all those years in Phantom. During those last few weeks, they had been more then a simple tool ready to serve, more then a goalless person. For one of them, the source of her opening to the world was laying behind, agonising. For the other, that source was still in the palace, making him proud and, he had to admit, worried. For one and the other, they wanted to protect that happiness they just found and, more than anything, protect the one they respectively couldn't live without anymore.

Both Juvia and Gajeel used a hit sequence but no mater what angle they used, José always managed to predict the attack, dodging or blocking every blow with ease. The mocking smile he wore every time they failed enhanced the rage, already limitless, Gajeel had. He however knew all this frustration was useless, that it would only disorganise him and get in his way. They had to find another strategy and fast.

"Gajeel" called out Juvia. "Like in Crocus!"

"Crocus? What are you talking about..."

Then he understood. He who wanted another strategy was just reminded by Juvia one of the best combat they ever had.

"Gihi! Ready?"

She nodded. Just like they did that time, a few years ago, they mentally counted to three starting at that moment before running in sync toward their enemy. Once they got to him, her on the left and him on the right, they simultaneously swung their sword at his legs. Even though José couldn't block both hits at the same time, he had managed to jump above the blades. But that, Gajeel and Juvia had already planned it and as soon has hit feet touched the ground, they renewed their attack, this time aiming at his head. José dodged once more, this time bending over. They then threw a last calculated attack. This time, it was the real deal and, while Juvia aimed at his upper body, Gajeel attacked the lower part.

José's frown was explicit: he wouldn't be able to skip both attacks this time. But he wasn't planning to go down this easily and took advantage of Juvia's proximity to swing his sword in her direction. The young woman couldn't dodge it and, while their double attack finally reached the target. A reddish cut appeared on her abdomen.

A sharp pain paralysed the young woman. For having this kind of injury before, Juvia knew she would eventually be fine. However, she also knew she couldn't fight anymore in that state. She understood with horror that José was about to use the last of his energy to finish her off. They only thing she could do right now was to wait for the inevitable, expecting to feel the sharpness of a murderous blade any moment.

Then everything stopped while Josés's lifeless body collapsed at Gajeel's feet, the later still holding his bloody sword in front of him as if he didn't know what just happened himself.

Time slowly started to flow again. In the distance, she could see Levy's silhouette running in their direction before jumping in Gajeel's arms who finally let go of his sword. As for herself, she only had one thing in mind: Gray. She had to get up, walk to him, but the pain was pinning her on the ground.

"Gray" she whispered.

"You want to die?" Growled Gajeel, now next to her, complaining about her reckless efforts.

Then he picked her up in his arms, carrying her so she could be with Gray. She could see people from Fairy Tail administrating him first aid. Once next to him, Juvia's heart tightened. His face was so pale...

"My love" she whispered, placing her hand on his cheek.

"Hummm..." he managed to mumble.

"Gray must not forget his promise" she said in a trembling voice.

"Porlyuska is on her way" Levy tried to reassure her, her own eyes glinting with tears. "She's the best healer the kingdom has to offer."

Juvia nodded without taking her eyes off Gray. Then, she had to let go of him, Gray being entrusted to the good care of the pink haired healer. She however stayed there, blindly staring in front of her.

"Juvia" said a gruff voice behind her as a hand took place on her shoulder.

To her lack of response, the voice became more impatient.

"For God's sake, Juvia, get a grip! You have to take care of that wound before it ends up all infected!"

"Juvia don't want to lose Gray" she said in a lifeless voice, ignoring what Gajeel just said.

Uncharacteristically, Gajeel softened a little. If it had been his shrimp who was laying between life and death, he would most certainly be much worst to handle than his friend.

"Tch. Your stripper is a tough one. He's going to be fine".

Juvia smiled a little, finally letting herself dragged to the improvised setup where medical attention was given.

The rebellion had ended with success. The king was now captive and José dead. The only thing mission was the confirmation the Gray would be able to keep the promise he made.

I hope you enjoyed that other chapter packed with action :) Also, I announce that chapter 24 will be the last one (excluding the epilogue) where we'll finally see how our characters will end up after the rebellion!

Have a nice week!

Lily xxx

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