They gave off a low growl. Plue, who I forgot was here, stood protectively in front of me. Suddenly, a massive chunk of the wall was knocked free. There stood a man. He looked exactly like Zeref, but his hair was shorter.
"Nice to see you again. Melody. Aurelia." He says.
"Liam." I swear I heard one of them growl. Who I presume is Liam walks towards us. Melody and Aurelia move to stand in front of me. I reach for my keys and sword. I haven't used them in a long time.

Liam draws a dark looking sword. It's entirely black and seems to be glowing a dark grey. He smirks evilly. I'm about to draw my sword when...
"No, this is our fight." Aurelia seems to growl. I put my sword back in its sheathe.
"Been a long time since we last did this." Melody growls.
"It certainly has." Aurelia says and they charge towards Liam.

I couldn't keep track of where everyone was. Aurelia pounced on Liam. He easily dodged but only to have Melody bite his leg from behind. She pinned him to the ground. He kicked her off and she hit a wall. Aurelia, now full of rage, snarled loudly. Liam stood up and looks at Aurelia. He swings his sword at her. She jumps out of the way, but not in time. Her leg is badly cut. She falls to the floor and can't get back up. Liam turns to me and walks over. Plue snarls and pounces at him. But Liam knocks him out of the way.
"PLUE!" I scream. That's it.

I draw my sword in time to parry a blow from Liam. We fight to push each other off ourselves. I win and push him off. He flies into a wall. I let him get up and charge towards him. I strike his arm. I hit his leg. But I don't see his kick. He kicks me away, breaking my hitting streak. I fly back and hit a wall. I fall down. He walks over and lifts his sword above his head. Before he brings it down, ending my life, a black wolf jumps at his side, knocking him to the ground. I see yellow eyes and hear a loud snarl. Liam hits Melody's leg with his sword. She falls to the ground and can't get back up.

Liam raises his sword above Melody. My leg's broken. I can't save her. Aurelia is out. Plue is unconscious. I watch helplessly as my friend is about to be murdered.

The second before Liam brings his sword down on her, a white and green blur charges into him, knocking him on the floor. I see a white wolf with green eyes, half sitting down and snarling at Liam. He has green markings all over his body.

"FIRE DRAGON IRON FIST!" I hear a voice yell

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"FIRE DRAGON IRON FIST!" I hear a voice yell. Natsu! My spirits are raised. Melody is safe. Natsu flies through the wall, making another hole in it, and punches Liam with a flaming fist. Liam is knocked back, unconscious and falls to the floor. The white wolf glows a bright green and turns into Lucas. Melody and Aurelia are both out. I try to get up and find Plue, but I fall back down to the floor. I yelp in pain. Natsu hears and comes over to me.
"What happened to you?" He asks.
"Just help me up." I say.

Lucas picks up Melody. Natsu puts my arm around his shoulder. We found Plue, now fully awake and unharmed, thank god. We put Aurelia on his back and went back to the ship.

"So why can't Melody and Aurelia turn back into a human?" I ask.
"You need to be conscious to do it." Lucas explains on the way back. My leg stings more and I grit my teeth. Natsu, obviously sensing my distress, picks me up bridal style.
"N-Natsu!" I half yell while blushing. Lucas chuckles a little.
"We're here." He says.

We get back to the ship. Melody, Aurelia and I were put into a small room. I'd had my leg bandaged. Plue laid down by my feet and Natsu was asleep on MY bed. Ah well. Melody had lost a lot of blood, but according to Lucas, she'll be awake by morning. Aurelia won't wake up for two two days at least. I sigh and lay down on Natsu's warm body. I close my eyes and am about to fall asleep when I feel like I need to puke.

Despite my leg, I run up onto the deck and throw up over the edge.
"You ok Lucy?" I hear Erza ask.
"Mmm....yeah...I'm...fine." I say, throwing up the last of my breakfast.
"Are you sure you're not-?" She begins.
"I did a test a few days ago, remember?" I cut her off. "It was negative, so I couldn't be." But something about that last sentence seemed wrong to me.
"If you say so." She says before walking away.

I had so many questions in my head that night. Was I really pregnant? I couldn't be, right? Pregnancy tests don't lie, do they? And if I was, what would Natsu think? Was he ready? Was I ready? I fell asleep that night, without a single question answered.

I wake up. The first thing I see is ocean blue eyes staring at me intently.
"AAH!" I scream as I fall off the bed.
"AAH!" Melody screams and jumps back, landing on her bed.
"AAH!" Natsu screams and hits his head on the wall.
"AAH!" I scream again.
"AAH!" Melody screams again.
"AAH!" Natsu screams again.
"SHUT UP!" Erza's voice rang throughout the ship. We all stifled a laugh.

Melody and I were up on the deck. She was telling me about Liam. He was her best friend when she was younger, but he had stabbed her mother and run away. I look at Melody and consider her one of my best friends, but I seem to know barely anything about her.

I throw up over the edge again. Melody stares at my stomach, concern in her eyes.
"What is it?" I ask her.
"Come with me." She says. She grabs my wrist and pulls me below deck.

"Why are we in here?" I ask. She'd pulled me into the bathroom. Well, it was more of a room filled with toilets. Her hands glow purple and a pregnancy test appears in them. She hands one to me.
"Do it." She says.
"But I already did a few days ago, it was negative." I say confused.
"Yes, you did, but sometimes pregnancy tests don't always work properly." She says. "Plus, the air around you seemed to have change." What did she mean by that?
"Fine." I say and walk into a cubicle.

I do the test and wait for the beep. It seems like forever, but it finally happens. I look at the test. Gasping, I drop the test on the floor. I walk out, eyes wide. T-Two bars...
"Well?" Melody asks. I don't say anything. She walks past me and looks at the test. She gasps. Then squeals.
"What am I going to do?" I say. She stops her fangirling session and looks at me, confusion on her face.
"What do you mean?" She asks.
"How will Natsu take it?" I ask. A tear comes to my eye. I could already picturing him leaving me. I close my eyes, trying to get rid of the image. I feel warm arms embrace me.

"You Baka..." I hear Melody whisper. I open my eyes and see that Melody hugging me.
"Huh?" I say.
"Natsu loves you, trust me, I know his secret." She says.
"What secret?" I ask, pulling away.
"Can't tell you!" She half sings. What was this secret of his?


Me: and done.
Wendy: calm down Lucy.
Mira: it's a surprise.
Me and Mira: *laugh maniacally*
Natsu: Luce! I'm scared! *hides behind Lucy*
Lucy: there there. It's ok.
Me: anyway, everyone say bye.
Everyone: byieeee

Nalu: The Pirate Duo (completed)Where stories live. Discover now