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All Elena could think about was his lips. Stefan's soft lips. The way they tasted. The way they felt.

She couldn't wait to get to school, so she woke up early and put some jeans on and a purple camisole.

Elena put on her favourite white vans and grabbed her bag on the way out of the door.

Elena gasped. Sitting right outside her house was a car. A red car. There's a boy leaning on it.


Elena smiled and had to stop herself
from running to him. When she got to him, she asked, "What are you doing here?" Elena couldn't help but smile.

"Well, I know you walk to school, so I thought why not drive you there." Stefan said, showing his dazzling teeth. He opens the door for her and Elena gets into the car.

They talk all the way to school. They didn't talk about anything important, but both of them were happy with the small conversations. When Stefan and Elena arrived at school, her and Stefan walked to form together.

Stefan had to go to his usual seat next to Caroline, and Elena to hers, but she could feel his eyes on the back oher head all through form.


There were posters all around school saying about the Halloween party was taking place. "So, are you going to the Halloween party? On the poster it says that there's best costume for king and queen." Stefan says smiling, trying to find out whether she's got a date or not.

"Well, I have no one to go with." Elena sighs.

"Neither do I." Stefan say a little too quickly. Seriously Stefan? Control yourself, the voice in his head scolds him. "I mean, we could go together, maybe?" Stefan asks hopefully.

"Sure. Like a date?" Elena says looking down.

"Yeah, if you want it to be a date." Stefan says, also looking down.

"Yeah, that would be great." says Elena smiling brightly.

Elena was so excited that she just might burst. As Stefan was talking to her, Elena's mind was already thinking of costumes they could wear. Bonnie and Clyde, Henry the eighth and one of his wife's, there were so many choices. Stefan would be dashing in anything he wears really, he could pull of a vampire easily with his complection.

After school Elena and Stefan went to the mystic grill together to do some homework. Despite it being French homework, Elena actually enjoyed herself.

Later at home, she sat on the couch next to her mum and watched eastenders with her. Elena couldn't stop smiling, thinking about the day she had spent with Stefan. "Why are you so happy?" her mum asked eventually.

"Oh, nothing." Elena said, her mum let it go, but she didn't look very convinced.


As Stefan sat on Caroline's bed studying for a coming up maths test, all he could think about was how happy and excited she'd looked when he'd asked her to the Halloween party.

It was only a couple of days till it took place.

"So you think that's a good idea?" says Caroline interrupting my thoughts.

"What's a good idea?" Stefan asks.

Caroline sighs, obviously annoyed he had not been paying attention to her "I said that we could go as Harley Quinn and the joker."

Stefan looks at Caroline confused. She raised her eyebrows. "To the Halloween party??"

Hey, sorry for not posting in a while, I will start posting again. Hope you like this chapter xx — fiore xxx

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