[3] ✓

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Yes! Elena couldn't believe it!

Mr Bradley had gave her the perfect opportunity to get to know Stefan!

It turned out that her and Stefan had a lot of classes together, so they'd walk and talk in between each lesson. Elena told him a bit about herself and so did he. When the lunch bell finally rang, Elena and Stefan walked to the canteen. All her friends are all ready there and most of them stared at the sight of her and Stefan.

Elena spotted out Mason in the crowd, who looked like he was about to cry hysterically.

Wow. He must of really liked me, Elena thought.

Elena felt horrible. She hadn't known how much he had liked her. She thought it had just been a couple of weeks fling or a summer time crush.

"Why is everyone staring?" Stefan asked Elena.

"I'm not sure. I suppose because your new. We're not used to seeing new students here. No one ever wants to move to a quiet place like Mystic Falls." Elena explained.

Elena and Stefan tried to ignore all the shocked faces and went to get some lunch. They decided to eat outside, hoping there would be less people.

Stefan told her funny story's from his past and Elena told him about all the different types of events there was to attend to in Mystic Falls, hinting that he should come. And ask her to be his date.

Hopefully he'll get what I'm hinting at... Elena thinks to herself.

By the end of the day Stefan and Elena exchanged numbers and decided to meet up after school tommorow.


Elena couldn't wait to see Stefan again.

So as soon as she got up, she threw her jean skirt on and a light blue lace top and ran downstairs. She threw her boots on, grabbed a muffin and headed for the door.

"Elena, wait! You can't just eat a muffin!" Elena's mum called.

"It's fine, I promise I'll buy something at break! Bye, I love you!" Elena called back stepping out of the door and walking to school.

She didn't live quite far from the school, so she liked to walk, it gace her more time to think and it was good good exercise.

Elena headed towards Bonnie's house which was on her way. They had planned to walk to school together the previous day.

Elena knocked on the door and a happy Bonnie opens it, "Hey Elena, ready to go?"

"Yep." She replied in a cheery tone.

They walked to school together whilst talking about boys and the latest gossip. Elena couldn't tell Bonnie was dying to tell her something and finally, she says all at, once, "WhatwasgoingonbetweenyouandStefayesterdayatschool?"

Neither one of them talked for a second or two and then Elena starts telling her about how great Stefan was and how she thinks he's going to ask her to the dance. Well, she hoped her would, anyway.

Just thinking about it made Elena excited and Bonnie was excited for her. They agreed to go dress shopping on the weekend.

When thet arrived at school Elena sees Stefan leaning on his car reading a book.

"I'll see you in form." Bonnie said, heading towards Caroline and a couple of their other friends.

Elena walked  towards Stefan as confident as hell.

He looked up, hearing her footsteps and put the book he was reading down.

"Hey." Stefan said smiling at her.

"Hey stranger." Elena smiled back warmly leaning on his car next to him.

"Are we still on for tonight?" Elena asked.

"Of course." Stefan replied without hesitation.

Stefan and Elena made there way to form together and sat in their seats, they were the firsts to arrive.

Slowly, the class started to fill up with people. Caroline walked through the door and sat next to him.

"Hey, Stefan. I was wondering are you free after school tonight?" Caroline asked, smiling.

"I'm sorry, I'm not. I'm going somewhere with Elena tonight." Stefan replied bluntly.

Caroline imidiatley dropped her smile, "Oh."

The teacher walked in and everyone fell silent, including Caroline and she didn't  say a word all through form.

I hope you liked this chapter, sorry for not updating my story lately. — thatstelenalife

Cause She's Bittersweet | ✓जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें