"Here you go mate!" Harry said tossing me my tie. I quickly tied it to my neck, and then checked myself in the mirror once again. Dang, I look hot. Hana, no. I'm not vain Zayn!

I look at the clock. 4:30. What? It's time already? "We gotta go." Niall's thick Irish speaks up. I nod my head and walk outside of the gigantic mansion.


I looked around at all the guests inside the church. The familys were split in two, so Jillians family had one side and I had the other.

The church was quite loud. Full of people buzzing about the latest gossip, or catching up after all of those years. I smile at the fact that not only are Jillian and I getting my family together once again, but we're also bringing two different family's together as one.

I begin to scan through the familiar faces of my side of the room. I see Tom in the third row scrolling through his phone. Lux isn't with him since she's the flower girl- in other words, he's probably bored out of his mind.

Near him I can see Simon and Olly chatting away, and then I catch sight of my beautiful mother. She's with her husband, Dan. Nice guy, pleasure to be around. I like him.

Jillian was kind enough to let the girls be some of her bridesmaids, so I was missing a few giggles from my side of the church.

When I look over at Jillians side, hers is full of family and friends. She has her 3 high school best friends that I contacted to make her day happier. I catch Aaron's eye as he holds hands with his new wife Lisa. They own a seafood company together. The biggest one in Washington state, may add! But, they do look happy with each other.

Before I know it, I begin to hear piano keys, signaling the wedding is about to start. I see two doors open from each side of the church. One for the men, and one fore the woman. Zayn comes down and Anna takes his arm, and makes their way down the aisle. Niall and Fizzy copy their actions, with huge smiles on their faces. Liam and Lottie take hands, and go down the aisle. Then Harry has to hold hands with both Pheobe and Daisy. Before Jillian comes, Lux and Josh walk down, Josh as the ring bearer, amd Lux as the flower girl. I can hear a coo of "Awwww" s while Lux throws the flower petals to the ground.

But then, when I look up, it's only as if my heart has stopped beating. Jillian, walking down the aisle with Dev, in the most gorgeous dress I've ever seen. She looks stunning. I suck in a breath once Jillian walks in front of me. Once the music stops, she mouths "Hi" to me, and I do the same.

Now, you get what goes on next. We say our vows, and promise each other we will love each other eternley, and keep each other safe. But honestly, those vows didn't mean much to us. To me, at least. We already promised each other all these things a long time ago.

"Do you, Louis Tomlinson, take Jillian Trey, to be your lawfully wedded wife to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do the both of you part?" The priest asks me.

"I do." My simple words bring tears to my eyes, and I slowly notice the same thing happening to... well... everybody.

He smiles, and turns to Jillian. "Now do you, Jillian Trey, take Louis Tomlinson, to be your lawfully wedded husband to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do the both of you part?" The priest now asks her.

She laughs with tears in her eyes as she looks into my eyes. "I do."

The priest closes the bible, and says, "You may kiss the bride."

I take Jillian by the waist, and swoop her under me just like how they do it in the movies. I can hear people cheering us on, and I break it off as we giggle together. That is before we run off, and continue our wonderful night. Together.


3rd Person's POV


So Jillian and Louis finished their night as a married couple with all their friends and family. They went off to a nice hotel to finish the night off. They did the usual big dinner with fresh crab courteous from Jillians father. They danced all night to... some of the best songs ever. And being Louis, he shoved both of their first bites of cake onto Jillians face. But, Jillian had to join in on the fun and do it back to him.

The wedding was just like any other wedding you could've been to. The love might just have might been a bit stronger.

Those two lasted their whole life's together. Jillian stayed with Louis once his fame became to go down hill. They lived a normal life after that. Two older boys and a younger daughter.

They stayed with each other when all of their parents ended up passing away.

They stayed with each other when their children got married.

Jillian died at age 93, and only a couple days after her, Louis passed away also. They say that happens a lot. Old couple passing away at the same time. But Jillian and Louis ended up loving each other for their whole life's. They had something special. They were something special.

If people loved each other like Louis and Jillian did, I think this planet would be happier.

I think it would be more whole.


Guys, this is it. The Dangerous... it's finally over. I can not explain to you guys how happy I am with the success of this. I mean, right now it's at 1.4K reads! Since the beginning I was a little 12 year old girl that wanted to make her best friend happy since her Uncle passed away, but I guess it just became much more than that. I started to get messages about how awesome my story is. And not only The Dangerous, but Fan Girl With A Twist too. I know to some people 1,414 reads, 96 votes, and 48 comments aren't that great, but it's way beyond my expectations.

Fyi, my next fic is gonna be Fan Girl With A Twist. I'm going to FINALLY continue!

Okay I told you in one of my messages that I would like to thank some people for my success... so hear it goes!


@ivana04. Yes! You were an awesome fan!

@WarmAndTime. Thanks for reviewing this! I got a good laugh out of it!

@JillJill1275. You are GA-REAT! I can not tell you how much I love you! The comments, the votes, the congrats! Plus, I LOVE your story! Keep it goin!

@zouistomlik (It's pretty much Jillians acc now). Jilly, you're my inspiration. It was all you from the beginning, and now you get to share. Hopefully you like the finale, I know you've been looking forward to it for a while now. Thanks for keep pushing me.

Pretty much, thanks to all my crazy mofos for reading this. If I haven't noticed you, you should follow me, I'll follow back and we could maybe talk. I hope you know that as long as you read this, you are special to me. You guys will always be some of the greatest people on earth to me, I hope you know this.

GOD! Every single time something happy or sad happens to me I start to tear up. If I didn't mention you, you know who you are! Well, I got to go before I start to break my tablet with my stream of tears! I love you all! Always remember that!

~Ashlyn Malik(:

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