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"What's up your ass?"

Franky blinked. "What?"

"You've been all over the place lately, eversince that woman got busted In your place. What's bothering you?"

Franky looked over at Cam. She'd dyed her hair lilac, making Franky frown. She was a strange girl.

"Your hair is going to fall out if you keep dying it more colors than the rainbow,"

Can flicked her forehead. Any one else doing that and they would of been halfway across the floor by now. "Don't change the subject Franky. Answer my question."

Franky sighed. This girl was not giving up today. " it's nothing. I'm just sick of routine. Go to work, go and  study, coffee shop every lunchtime, go home and back at it again the next day. I'm just tired. "

Cam nodded along but franky could see that she didn't believe her. "What so you want to shake it up a bit?"

"Something like that. Im gonna go get another drink." Franky got up and left Can to her texting. She went to the counter and waited patiently for the guy in front of her to hurry up and stop chatting up the girl serving. Soon her mood got the better of her and she snapped. "Can't this wait until your break?  There's plenty more customers waiting to be served!" 

The guy chuckled and turned away from the flustered girl. He grinned at her and walked off. But then it clicked. Franky's jaw dropped and she ran off after the guy. She nabbed him only a few meters away. "Seddon! Wait!"

Seddon Kramer turned around and raised an eyebrow. "Hey there. What's your name again? Wait... Oh Frankfurter!" He laughed at his own joke. Franky jabbed him in the ribs and dragged him over to her table. "Babe my bedrooms the other way,"

Franky plonked him down ungracefully and kicked him under the table. Can looked up at him and her mouth made an 'o'.

"Don't leave your mouth hanging open sweetheart, you never know what could fly in there," Cams face reddened at Seddons remark.

"I really want to hit you right now, but we're in public."

Seddon winked. "Oh Franks, you can hit me anytime. "

Franky ignored him and continued. " What are you doing all the way out here?"

"Alex asked to see me. Plus I have a job next week so I thought I'd come early and enjoy the nightlife. How is Alex anyway?"

Franky avoided eye contact and looked down. "I wouldn't know. I thought she was dead after the attack with Ferguson, no one told me anything. They just put me on a plane over here and said I was free. Someone only told me a few weeks ago she was alive."

Seddons face dropped. "That's kinda cruel. Why don't you come with me to see her? I'm going in a few days," he looked at his phone.

Franky shook her head. "Nah. I can't go near that place again, and I'm not going near Alex. It'll just break my heart all over again. " she blew out a long breath.

"Um, sorry to break up your heart to heart but I feel like I'm third wheeling here so...I'm just gonna gap," cam said.

Seddon got up. "I gotta go anyway, I have a booty call. If you change your mind, here's my number-" he placed a business card in front of franky and Cam. "- and one for you too, just in case you get bored." He winked at the two women and walked out of the coffee shop.

"Hes hot. So... Alex ay? That's the real reason your mopey. You got it baddd"

Franky rolled her eyes and gathered her things. "Whatever. I gotta get to work. Call me later?"

"Will do. Later Franky."

Franky waved and walked out.


"Smith. I thought we'd never catch you,"

Bea jumped down off of the back of the prison van, hands recuffed by the two officers escorting her. Miss Bennet smiled over at her in triumph, like Bea was the lost toy that had just been found. She walked alongside Bea as they walked along the pathway that led into the prison.

Bea sighed and looked up at the darkened sky. This was probably the last time she'd be seeing the stars in her lifetime. Watching the stars reminded Bea of her daughter Debbie. She remembered how every time Debbie was sad or down, Bea'd take her out and look at the stars. Bea missed Debbie. She hoped she was a star.

Bea's little memorial was cut short by the opening of the doors that led into Wentworth prison. They all walked inside as Governor Bennet kept jabbering on about something, but Bea wasn't listening. She was looking at her familiar yet unfamiliar surroundings.

Must be the new Wentworth, she thought.

Bea internally laughed. Alex had done some good. The new redecorated prison was now modern and actually had other colors other than the bland teal that was stuck in the seventies. She wondered if they still wore the same horrible uniforms.

"Wait where are we going?"

They steered Bea opposite the general blocks, and past the medical wards.

"We're going to the Psych unit, its procedure I'm afraid, following the events that have happened."

"What, so I'm going to be stuck with a bunch of psychopathic lunatics from now on?" Bea spat.

The governor shook her head. "Don't worry Smith its only temporary, a few days at most. Its only until we can assess your condition." She explained.

Bea scoffed. "My condition? You think I've gone mad or some shit? Well I can tell you I haven't. Pretty sure I'd bloody know if I was a nutter"

Ms Bennet set her mouth in a line. "I'm not saying anything Smith. I'm just following standard orders. Now stop back talking and just go with it."

Bea shut her mouth and in no time they rounded a corner and entered the psych ward. Patients could be seen wandering around their cells talking to themselves, or being strapped down. Most were being observed, and Bea compared the scene to scientists testing things on animals. It was all against their will.

The only positive thing about this place for Bea was the peace. She supposed it  was to be the calm before the storm.

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