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Franky pulled her jacket tighter around her as the freezing gale became stronger, dragging her back several centimeters with each step. She didn't need to look up at the darkening sky to see that a storm was coming, with it promises of thunder, rain and more biting wind. She shivered at the thought. Walking up the stairs to her apartment, she vaguely recalled recent memories but quickly dismissed them once she reached the door. She fumbled with her keys for a few moments before twisting one in the lock and walking in.

Her apartment wasn't too bad; shabby yes, cheap as well, but suited her nonetheless. It was a certainly a major step up from prison accomodation-hell it was a leap - yet she still couldn't help but feel a little lonely in a place the size of one whole block, with no company to share it with. If the flat had more than one bedroom, she'd thought about getting some flatmates but that wasn't the case so she just ignored it.

Walking into her bedroom she set her keys down on the worn dresser, stretching her aching muscles. Next she shrugged off her long jacket and got undressed, quickly changing into her winter sleepware. She kept the habit of sleeping in a pair of sweats and a singlet despite the cold. Most supposed you couldn't blame her; after all she'd been inside for seven and a half years, even adjusting to a normal life after all that time of being told what to do and how to live it was a miracle in it self.

She hopped into bed and reached over to her bedside drawer, sliding it open and grabbing her law book out. She continued to study law even after her freedom from jail, another habit, or rather a hobbie as she saw it, she'd kept.

Skimming over the pages, she marked certain places she found interesting, court cases and laws alike. Eventually her mind began to wander, imagining life as a lawyer. She thought about the good pay, the arguing, being that person that would be the difference between getting you put in or out of jail. She didn't want to be stuck with the little things like parking tickets and minor scuffles, she wanted to be involved with the big stuff.

A small smile curved her lips as she wondered what all the girls she'd seen pass through wentworth'd think if her being a big shot lawyer. They'd probably laugh at first, the ones on good terms with her would probably congratulate her, but those that weren't, well they'd probably be shitting themselves. She grinned at the thought of that small amount of revenge she could get back at them with, legally too, and she just shook her head and put the book down, placing back on her nightstand. She yawned and stretched over to turn off the lamp, when a soft knock sounded. She listened for a few seconds, thinking she'd imagined it, but it came again a minute later. She sighed irritatedly and got out of her bed, pulling on a black robe and walking toward the front door. The knock turned into a persistent banging as she dragged her feet toward the door. "Yeah, yeah I'm fucking coming!"

She threw open the door and looked into the grubby hallway, looking left and right. She blinked a few times and muttered a few profanities before slamming the Door. She put it down to some trouble making kids or her crazy old neighbor Dora next door. Probably Dora, mad old bat. Franky sometimes heard the old woman muttering through the walls, or wandering around the hallways in her filthy pink dressing gown. She signed loudly and went back to bed. Turning off the light, she drifted into a troubled sleep.

"You know what I don't get?" I said to Alex who sat across from me, eyes silently assessing me from afar.

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