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If you haven't watched it already, prepare yourself with an army of tissues and a tub of ice cream when you go to watch episode 12 of season four. 😩🔫 💔


Franky walked out of her weekly meeting with the detective. All in all, it was confusing for her whether it went well or not. He laughed at how she'd been here less than two weeks and she'd already stirred up trouble, not to mention two matching shiners, a split lip and a scarred cheek for all her trouble. He was almost ecstatic once she told him that Alex'd willingly give a confession, but since she'd done what she'd done now she wasn't so sure. But Franky said she'd try, and the detective said she had another week.

It was also then, just as she'd been recalling her memories, that she ran straight into kazs girls. She could tell from the savage look in their eyes that they knew what she'd done to Allie, and as they dragged her around the corner, by the stairwell, she was all for them letting her have it. And just as kaz gripped Franky's tattooed forearm, a voice called. "Kaz, don't."  Kaz looked up at the voices owner and dropped her arm, simply walking off with her girls in tow. Franky followed the person persistently down the stairs, through the halls and out into the yard. She sat next to them on the flower bed, where she watched as they absentmindedly pulled at stray threads of marigold and wilting pink rose, then followed them over to the furthest corner to a small bench, where they both sat watching the world go by. Franky watched Liz prune the shrubs, Doreen and Tasha play basketball, Vera watching over them like children and most remarkably of all, Bea and Allie, together, hiding in their own sanctuary, looking up at the sky side by side, smiling. She wondered how they'd made up. She looked over at the beautiful girl next to her, wishing they'd make up. Franky feared to break the silence, but wondered what more damage she could cause than she already had.

"I spoke to the detective. He said I might be getting out in a few weeks," she tried. Her heart sunk as no reply was given. At least not after a few minutes. "That's...great. I'm happy for you." Franky squinted at her through the sunlight. "But your not are you. Happy, I mean. " Alex didn't reply. "I suppose at least I won't be here to cause anymore grief." Alex laughed humourlessly. "I'll send the detective my whole written confession, followed by an oral statement if necessary. Give me till tomorrow. "Franky bit her lip. "I don't want to go back outside." Alex still avoided eye contact. "Why."

Franky sighed. "Its lonely you know? You have no one out there. Where as in here, well, everyone, almost everyone is practically family. "

"So don't go then. Stay."

"But what happened to your talks of freedom?"

She peeked out the corner of her eye. "Well unless you can wave your magic franky the fairy wand and get me out of here, or at least get me off these murder charges, I'd say I'm not going anywhere for a long time." She got up and began to walk away, taking her sass with her. "Wait! " Franky ran up beside her grinning from ear to ear. "What. Now. "

"What if I said I knew an awesome hot lawyer who was willing to do just that?"


"I'm breaking you out of prison. For good. Legally, too."

"Your mad."

"Cmon, we've got reading to do."

The duo walked through the yard side by side, people watching their every move with confusion. Weren't they supposed to hate each other? Even Bea and Allie sat up watching, wondering what was happening, Liz smiling in the background at their recent development. The looks continued right through to when they got to the prison's library. Franky went over to the skills section and picked out a few books, along with some paper and a pen, then joined Alex in a small corner of the library in between some shelves. To Franky, it looked eerily familiar. "Is this where we first—"

"Yes, yes it is. The blood is still on the carpet. Now let's get down to business."  She sat crosslegged down on the floor and leaned up against the shelf, staring at Franky expectedly. Franky joined her and opened her law book, jotting down a few things on her paper before turning to Alex. "Ok. So. What we want to do is prove you innocent right?"

"But I'm not innocent."

"How do you know that? How do we know that you were the one that killed her?"

"Well. Like I said, I saw you run off, then I got to her. She could've still been alive, but I doubt it. Then Bea found her, remember?"

Franky tapped her nose with the pen. "How long was it between when you left and Bea found her?"

Alex thought about it. "I dunno, about four or five minutes. Give or take,"

Franky nodded her head along. "So there was a window inbetween where someone could've finished her off had you not done it yourself. "

"I'm pretty sure it was me Franky. "

"Did you feel her die in your arms?"

"Um. No? I didn't really notice..."

She hummed her response. Alex was beginning to become increasingly uncomfortable and thought it really was a stupid idea. "Right. I'm going to see Vera. See you. " Franky got up abruptly and left without another word. Someone sprinted off from behind where they'd been sitting, nearly knocking her over. "Bloody watch it!" She took no notice of the person and exited the library, following the path until she found an officer. "Officer Miles! Can you take me to the governer please?"  She contacted the governor on her radio, getting confirmation, then escorted her there. "Governer, Doyle here to see you," She let Franky in. Franky walked in and sat herself down, getting straight to the point. "Miss Bennett. I'd like to have access to the Meghan Jackson case file please." Vera leaned back in her chair, lacing her hands together. "Why? "

Franky bounced her leg up and down. "Personal reading. Just interested in how they nabbed me. "

"Doyle, you know I can't do that. Its an open case,"

"Awh cmon Vera. My brain is suffering with no legal work to do. I miss my job on the outside. Plus what more evidence do they need anyway? They already have Alex."

"Mmm. " she drummed her fingers on the desk in thought. "I suppose it can't hurt, seeing as you are apart of this case and participating in getting it closed. Unfortunately I can only give you the old copy from before Melarosa was arrested, and you were the only suspect at the time. Otherwise it'd be a breech."

Franky give her a big smile. "Thanks Vera. I won't forget this." Vera slid back in her chair to a filing cabinet, to which she opened a drawer and sorted through it, eventually handing it over. "Was there anything else?"

"What's the update on Ferguson?"

Vera's face soured. "Unfortunately there's been a delay with the transfer for some reason. I just hope they get rid of her."

Franky nodded and went to let herself out. "Now look after that and don't let it get into anyone else's hands. Oh and Doyle, try stay out of trouble will you? I don't need you looking like a panda every time that detective comes here."

"Righto." Franky saluted her.

Franky almost skipped back to H2, folder clutched to her breast like a child in need of safe keeping. She met Doreen in their block. "What the hell are you doing here?"

Franky stopped. "Excuse me? I live here."

Doreen got up. "No need to be a sarcastic melodramatic bitch all the time." Doreen got up and walked out of H2, bumping her shoulder on the way when Liz walked in with Sonya. "God, whats up her ass? I swear she's going mental." Liz patted her on the shoulder. "Oh don't worry love. She's just been a bit off lately. Morals and crews and all. Missing Joshie i reckon." Franky nodded and walked into her cell. She grabbed another pen and gathered her notes along with her case file and perched on her bed, licking her lips in anticipation.

This case was getting turned upside down.


Go Franky! Get it girl! 📂💃

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