Come Over!

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You woke up in your own bed with a headache. You knew you were bound to get one due to what happened last night. No, you did not sleep with Ian, nor drink, but Ian did not stop with his shenanigans. However, that was earlier and by the evening you were able to find a small job to help pay for you and your needs. Although it was a job at a small restaurant, you did not mind it. It was fairly busy, which paid well and you were blessed with that.
As you gotten ready for work that night, pulling up your h/c hair into your regular bun to stay out of your way while working and putting on your all black outfit (in which you enjoyed very much), you began to think if Ian actually had a real job. Not that Youtube wasn't a job, but it's not the most supportive. But, that's Ian's business, not yours. You couldn't stand that guy, so why did you give a shit about what he does?

You walked out of your room and looked at Ian's door, thinking that he probably got better sleep than you did. You shook your head and kept walking. There's no reason to think about him.

Finally you reached work. You awaited this one couple to their table and had small chat, mooching for a tip, in which you received luckily. However, a man walked into the door that instantly caught your attention. It was your favorite infamous artist, Joji Miller. You looked at the waiter that was heading to await Joji's table and you grabbed his shoulder, "I got this one, Tom." He looked at you with his eyebrows scrunched and a dull expression on his face,"My name is not Tom." But, you didn't really care. "Oops! First day, sorry!" You used as your excuse.

Joji was looking at a menu as you approached him. "Hello, sir. How may I help you?" He put down his menu and looked at you, a smile appeared on his face. You blushed, it was so much nicer than you've seen in photos. "Hmm, I guess I'll take this and this and this," he pointed on the menu to show you every time he said this, which was about eight times. "Woo, someones got the munchies," you laughed. He laughed and then said, "Don't tell anyone, but yeah, just a little." You wrote down his order and told him that his secret was safe with you. He thanked you. "You're meal will be here soon, sir." He handed you his menu, "Thanks, babygirl" he said to you looking down at his phone. You scoffed quietly and got really red in the face and returned to your counter, waiting for the next customer.
As you did so, your partner working with you tapped you on the shoulder, "Um, y/n? Did you serve that young guy and the other sitting next to him on Booth 13?" You nodded your head slowly, however, you were confused, "What other guy?" You still haven't looked at the booth that the supposed two were sitting at. "He has glasses and brown hair. Kinda your average looking guy. Seems like they know each other, you should probably go wait them." You finally looked and was then filled with anxiety. It was Ian. "Um....okay." You defiantly didn't want to get yelled at just because you didn't have the balls to ask Ian what he wanted to eat, so you went.
As you approached the table, Ian looked up and met you eyes to eyes, making your breathing unsteady. He smiled. Don't fucking do that shit. He's so cute when he smiles. Oh my God?! What am I saying!!? "How may I help you, sir?" Ian looked at you and pushed his frames up, "Oooh, sir? I like that way better than what you called me last night." Joji's head popped straight up from his phone and a surprised expression was on his face, "Excuse me?! Oh my, God. Ian, you know this chick? And, how do you know this girl?? What do you mean 'last night'?" Ian looked at Joji and put his hand up, "Calm down you gook. She's my apartment neighbor. She called me Cunt last night. " You rolled your eyes, "I did not. I called you an asshole, cunt." Ian tapped his menu, "You gonna take my order or??" He was being sarcastic. "Hmm, I don't know. You going to repay me with the sleep I didn't get last fucking night?" Joji exclaimed, "Chill! Chill. I don't want you to get fired from yelling at Ian. Even if he does deserve it! I was going to go hang at Ian's place after this. Would you like to join?" Ian drop the fork he was fiddling with while you and Joji had spoke. "Um! Joji, you can't just invite people over to MY house! I never said she could come. Max is supposed to be coming over anyway after he has a dinner with Katt. I don't know if there's enough room." Joji looked at you with a sad face, "I guess just take his order, sorry for inviting you and having this asshole not accept. I would've loved for you to come." Ian scoffed, "Come, in both ways I'm sure. You dog." You blushed at that. "Ian what can I get you?" You finally asked. He gave you his order, which was just a drink due to Joji and him sharing food. Joji grabbed your hand as you walked off and you backed up. He pulled you down towards his mouth so he could whisper into your ear. "Come anyway, I'll answer the door. Just knock three times. I'll know it's you." He let you walk off to where in the background you could hear Ian ask "What did you tell her?" over and over again.
You still didn't know if you wanted to come, in either way.

You went back to your apartment early that night due to Tom, or whoever he was, taking your shift. As you flopped on your couch, finally resting, you heard Joji and Ian outside of your door. You guessed something was funny, because of Joji's yelling and screaming laugh. You smiled at it, thinking it was a bit extreme for that man, but you also had a bad feeling that it was going to be a long night if you didn't go over there.
You got up from the couch and went to go shower and 'fix' yourself up. By fix, you meant a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie and your hair still in a bun, but you did wear some mascara for shits and giggles. If you can't fight the madness, why not go crazy yourself? You asked yourself, before you headed out of your door to go join Ian and his pals for a night you may regret.

Lonely ; IDubbbz x ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang