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Giggles filled the room that was planted behind the door frame you were about to walk into. For a split second you thought to yourself that this may be a bad idea. But, they sounded like they were having so much fun, you decided to knock. You knocked the code that Joji told you to do at the restaurant. You waited, and waited. And finally, you were greeted at the door by a smiley and bubbly Joji. "Y/K! I knew you would come! Couldn't resist my offer could you-" he said, winking horribly. You giggled, "Nope. Too good, Joj." He smiled and raised his eyebrows, "Joj?! I like it! Come on in." As he led you into the apartment, your whole perspective of what you thought it would look like changed. Instead of thrown around, messy, and just a shit hole, the apartment seemed to be cleaner than yours. All Ian's things were put up neatly. He had a keen eye for detail, his walls were covered with pictures and all the decor looked great together. But, the one place that had the party going on, the living room, was not so clean. Ian was there wrestling with Max and Chad was shouting slurs at whoever was on the bottom of the fight. Joji looked at you and giggled, "These stupid cunts are always at it. Ian probably doesn't even know you're here yet. You can take a seat until they are done." You went to go sit by Joji as he handed you a beer. Ian finally got his head out of an headlock from Max, and when he did he looked at you. His eyebrows scrunched up and he stood quickly up, "Y/K?! What are you doing he-"
Bam. Just like that he hit the floor. You started laughing hysterically along with Joji and Chad. Max ended up dead kneeing Ian has he spoke to you, making him fall backwards. Max got up yelling in his victory, "That's what you get ya stupid cunt!" Max helped Ian up by lending him a hand and Ian gladly took his offer. He stood up and rubbed his back, "Thanks. Thank you a lot. Now I probably have something really wrong with me and it's all your fucking fault." Max slapped him on the back and then wrapped his arm around Ian's shoulder, "Ahhh, quit your whining Ian. You have a girl here to see you. She's gunna get some pussy tonight. Fuck!" He took a big gulp of jack after that God awful sentence. Joji put his hands up, "So, are we ready to watch movies? I brought some that I downloaded that we can watch while we chill out." Movies with a couple of dudes that you hardly knew sounded, absolutely horrific. You were basically surrounded by strangers. Sure, you knew who they were online from their videos and music, but that didn't mask the fact that you had absolutely no clue who any of them were on the inside. But, you were happy that you'd be the first to discover how they all really act while intoxicated, mellowed, and enthusiastic.
You all found your spots of were you would like to sit. After a couple of beers, you really didn't mind were you sat, except by Chad. According to the boys, Chad is as gross in real life as he is in videos, but you thought he was a pretty cool guy. Joji laid on the floor with a blanket covering his back, Chad sat in the recliner, Max was on the kitchen floor (due to the few, okay a lot, of drinks he had before he even stepped foot into Ian's apartment), and Ian with you on the couch.
Before you knew it, Chad was snoring in the recliner, Max was grumbling here and there, and Joji was in fetal position on the floor with the blanket wrapped around him from head to toe. However, you were fully awake, and Ian was awake enough to hold just small talk. You adjusted your sitting position and ended up putting your feet on Ian's lap as you had spread out. "No, no. Only bros allowed to do that," he said while trying to push your legs off of him. You looked at him as you were now playfully letting him push your legs off, only to be found right back on his lap, and exclaimed in a snappy voice, "What're you? Gay? Only bros? Am I not a bro?" He shook his head, an aggravated smile on his face, "No, you're definitely not. You're a cunt." You giggled and out your foot up to his face, "Well, that can change. I can be a bro. Pretty sure Joj likes me! Ain't that right, Joj?!" Joji groaned and flipped over in response. Ian pushed your foot away and then pushed up his glasses in that pretentious way he always does, "I'm sorry? Joj? What kind of name is that?" You rolled over on your side, "Yeah, it's a nickname. You can't have one. Only bros can have that." You picked up your beer from the floor, now feeling lightheaded and free of worry, and took a sip of it as Ian looked at you and hit your leg with a friendly punch. "Well~ that can change." You quickly turned your body back around to face him. "I'm sorry? You can't have a nickname. The closes you'll ever have to a name other than 'Ian' with me is 'Cunt'." He looked at you and smiled at you with a shit-eating grin. At this point, you two were wasted and grown adults just trying to have fun, and he knew that. He began to lean over on the couch towards your body and placed one of his hands on your thigh. You tensed up and then realized what was happening. You decided to play along with this cuck. You let him crawl over you and get close to your face and neck area. His hot breath touched your neck which made you place your beer down on the ground by Joji. He started to kiss up and down your neck and your hands played in his hair. "How 'bout a nickname like...'Daddy' or 'Master'. Something around those lines, y'know?" You giggled and grabbed his face to make him look into your eyes, "Those are nice. But, I'm pretty sure this isn't what bros do, y'know, in front of other sleeping bros." You smiled and pushed his chest for him to get off of you. He sat up and sighed, "Can't believe I just did that." You grabbed your beer and went to the kitchen, walking carefully to make sure you didn't step on or wake up Max, and poured the rest down the sink. You walked back into the living room and placed a hand on Ian's shoulder and patted it, "Yeah. I can't believe it either, buddy." You pinched his ear and then went to go lay down by Joji. He looked at you and scoffed, "You're going to lay down by that dog and he's not even the owner of this place? Wow, what a slut." You looked at Ian, "Hey, watch who you're calling a slut, slut. You're the one who was all on top of me. I'm laying by Joji because he's the one who wanted me to come in the first place. So shut up, cunt." Ian tossed you an extra blanket off the couch and then took one and laid down on the couch, "It's not like I didn't want you to come, cockmunch." You wrapped yourself in the blanket and laid the opposite way Joji laid and quietly laughed, "Ooh, a new nickname. I like it, Daddy." Ian choked on his spit,
"Shut up and go to sleep."

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