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////hello, sadly this is the end of this. i have no more inspiration to finish :-(. However i genuinely appreciate all of u guys and i tried to get this one really yeha smut is in here!

After you and Ian were done arguing in the bathroom you walked out first into the living room to make things less questionable. You went over to the still sleeping Joji and put your hand on his back, "Joj," your hand made small circles on his shoulder, "you need to get up cuckboy. Max is bringing breakfast back."Joji flipped and groan and then his eyes began to open and you saw brown rings with a hint of crust in the corner. Ew. He looked at you and then spoke, "He won't bring anything back if he brought Chad with him. Dude eats like there's no fucking tomorro-" He stopped half way and then his slightly bloodshot eyes became huge and filled with excitement. Joji popped up from his laying position and sat crossed facing you. "What?"

He laughed and pushed back his bangs, "Woah! Did I do that? That's fucking cool. Did I do it anywhere else?" He was talking about the hickeys on your neck, and you thought those words wrung a certain tune that you've heard before. You grabbed your neck and sighed, just say what Ian told you to say, "Yes."
Joji's eye widened even more than you thought they ever could and then went back to normal, "Nice."
Nice? That's all he had to say? What the hell? He got up and you followed, he scratched the back of his neck and stretched, "Did you call me cuckboy?"

Max finally returned with some McDonalds and the boys and you jumped with joy. Chad didn't sit with you guys because he had already ate, just like Joji hinted he would. All was going well with the whole Joji thing until you all gathered around to eat. Max quickly sat beside you, due to the quick open seat, however the one seat in front of you was a little different. Joji looked at Ian who was eyeballing the chair big time and quickly punched his arm and sat. Ian pushed up his glasses and called Joji a vulgar word in Japanese. "You didn't even fucking say it right," Joji laughed. While Max was unloading the bag of food and passing it around, Joji thought it would be a good time to get a little close and personal. He placed his foot on yours and began to play footsies while you sat. Ian looked at you, his eyes now filled with words that read "Don't like it". The thought of Ian getting jealous made you excited. You began to play back with Joji and look at Ian while doing it, how fucked.

After you all got finished eating, plans were made at the table. "Okay, I have some plans about some videos we can record, "Max said, pulling out his phone to set on the table which had the Notes app pulled up and a whole list of ideas. "Jesus Christ, Max. That's a lot. We'll be dead by the time we get through the first five ideas," Ian spoke while running his hand through his hair, fucking up his hairline. You smiled to yourself at the sight. "I think number five would be a great idea." Joji pointed at the screen and Ian scoffed, "Of course you would, you fucking sadist." Joji giggled, "I mean, Y/N would look pretty hot tied in rope." Ian took a sharp breath and stomped on Joji's foot, "Ow! You asshole! What was that for?!" Max sighed, "Anyway. We're not going to do that one, it's too fucked. We will save it for another day."
You all finally decided on a random idea Chad had thrown out that wasn't even on the list, but good enough for a five minute video. "We do need supplies though," Chad said getting up from his chair and grabbing pen and paper to make a list. Max agreed. "Y/N and I can go get the su-" Joji said being cut off by Ian's quick tone, "Huhuhuh, fuck that. I will go with Y/N, she's new and I know the routes more than Joji, plus I live here." Max squinted his eyes and furrowed his brows, "Does it matter? Ian just go and I guess Y/N can go if she wants."
And so you and Ian did. Grabbing car keys and your jacket, you both headed outside and got into Ian's Jeep, which wasn't the most comfortable for long rides, so thankfully the store wasn't so far away.
The car ride there was odd. You shuffled through his CD's and found some music that you had liked and played it. Ian's eyes were fixated on the road, not looking at you once, he never said a word. You looked at him, then began to sing along with the song playing. He flexed his jaw, and muted the radio. "Why?" He asked. You stiffened, "What do you mean 'why'? He reached the parking lot of Walmart and you guys sat there for a second before he spoke. "Why would you do that with Joji?" You looked at him, your eyes thin with confusion and anger, "What do you mean? I did it because I wanted to. I'm not yours, Ian." He clenched his fist, white peaking though his knuckles. "But, I can't do that. I can't watch you fuck around with him..." You shifted in your seat to look at him, " jealous? Ian, that was one night, we were drunk. We never even got far." Ian unclenched his fist and placed one of his knee whilst he spoke with the other, "You seemed to like it! Did I do something wrong? Do you not like me?" You grabbed his hand that was waving in the air, "Ian, stop. Don't be so down on yourself. That night...wasn't bad. I just, don't know how I feel."
The trip around and inside the store was odd. Everything was odd around Ian.

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