Remus Lupin x Peach

Start from the beginning

Peach woke up crying. She jolted awake and instantly tried to sit up but it was as though the message in her brain did not reach her body. She stayed still, unable to even process the faces above her. Remus's was closest, looking over the top of her head as though her head were laying on his lap. Lily looked close to tears, the same fear she saw in her vision. The same fear that you have when someone you love might die. James reached towards her with hands that had more color than in her vision and picked her up. As soon as she was on her feet she stepped away from his hands. She turned around to face them all, crying uncontrollably as she looked at their shocked and scared eyes. No one dared to touch her, to even make a move towards her.

"That looked scary," Lily said finally. Her mouth looked separate from her face. As though her words didn't match the rest of her face.

Peach nodded, quick and small, but enough to be seen. "Y-Yeah," She stuttered frantically against her breath. She was trying to stop crying, and it was all building up in shaky hiccups. She couldn't even finish her word. She felt it coming. She covered her mouth to try to cover the blubbering noises that were coming uncontrollably from her throat.

Remus was the first to move. He enveloped her in a hug, and she melted into it. Her knees buckled but he showed no signs of struggling to keep her upright. He was an unwavering force, like the floor of a house that keeps your feet flat against the ground even on a mountain edge.

"What was it about?" Peter said stupidly, earning a glare from Remus over the top of your head.

Her eyes grew wide. She couldn't tell them. She couldn't frighten them like that. Lily would be so angry at her for telling her. She never wanted to know. No matter what it was, no matter how little or how important. Peach couldn't not tell them though. She couldn't stand by and watch her friends die.

"Nothing important," She said, trying to keep a steady voice. "It was just jolting, having two at once."

"So, does that mean you can tell us what they were about?" Peter asked, seeming oddly happy. She knew he'd never been there for one of her visions, but this was overkill.

"Just that Lily is going to break her bottle of nail polish and James is gonna break a door," She said with a light laugh, hoping it didn't sound too faked. She tried to ignore the suspicious look from Remus. He always knew what was really going on in her heart.

Lily gaped and beat her lightly on the shoulder. "I told you I don't want you to tell me my future!"

"He wanted to know!" She protested.

"Can we get back to the door please?" Sirius interrupted. "How'd James manage to break a door of all things?"

"It was glass."

"That's a stupid way to make a door," Sirius said. "James! Never buy a house with a glass door. Not just cause of girli's voodoo vision, but it's good life advice."

"I'd love a glass door," Lily pouted. "It makes the whole house feel more open."

"Of course you would," Sirius rolled his eyes. "Then it's your fault if you and James break your door after you guys get married."

Lily blushed furiously. "Speaking of which..."

~Over a decade later~

Peach went by her last name now. It was a lot easier to be taken seriously that way. Besides, now that she was working at Hogwarts being addressed by her last name by students became a norm. Not even Dumbledore called her Peach, at her request of course. It wasn't until there was an opening the Defense Against the Dark Arts teaching position that she was called by that long forgotten name.

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