James Potter II

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(A/N Sorry this isn't the Oliver Wood Part 2, I've been having writer's block with that one but this morning I saw that I had hit 1K reads! It's a huge milestone for me and thank you to everyone who's been reading and voting! This one is kinda short but I think I'll have time to do one tomorrow too. ;-))

James slid into his assigned seat quickly, finding himself beside a young looking girl who seemed to be younger than him. He recognized it as (Y/N), a friend of his younger brother Albus. He sighed and turned away from you, if his own brother was any indication you would be annoying and nosy. Though he had to admit you were attractive, he quickly dismissed you for the giddy sparkle in your eyes. He found himself more serious than his brother, and found the typical hyper girls his brother spent time with annoying.

As Charms class passed James became increasingly curious about the 5th year girl beside him in his 7th year class. She seemed to ace the charms with ease, but there was a nervous tension in her lips whenever she attempted a charm. She muttered under her breath and was intensely focused on the class. She hadn't been hyper as he'd expected, but she was still a nerd. He didn't find intelligence unattractive, but this girl seemed to ace things so easily it bugged him.

You weren't too happy to be seated next to James. You found him slightly endearing, but you'd heard enough stories from Albus to know better. Besides, you needed all your energy focused on your schoolwork. You had chosen to take multiple advanced classes and the pressure was beginning to get to you. All your friends had free time for Hogsmeade and parties while you stressed inside your dormitory and struggled with the intense classes. You sometimes regretted choosing the classes, but it was too far in the year for you to withdraw without it affecting your permanent school record. Sometimes it made you wish you were a Ravenclaw instead of a Gryffindor. Chivalry and bravery had no use in schooling, even if they made have benefited your parent's generation in the war.

James left the classroom behind you, only because you were in such a rush to leave. He considered striking up a conversation but you rushed off quickly and he found it too tiring to try and track you down. He returned to the common room, where he found you. How you had beat him, he wasn't sure, because you had gone in the opposite direction of the common room and you now carried new books with you with stamps indicating they were from the library.

"How was charms?" Albus asked, sitting in a chair across the fire from you.

"Decent. But I think if I don't get a break from school work soon I will die." You responded, tiredly shuffling through your bag before deciding you were too tired to care about any classwork.

"You're acing that class." James commented, joining the conversation and sitting on a chair.

Albus glared angrily at James, as did a few of his friends, they weren't on good terms. James tended to be cocky and gloating to his brother and babied him. Not to mention Albus also caught James snogging one of his girl friends.

"You sat next to me for one day. Today was just really easy, flying charms are easy, especially if they're small inanimate objects. Wait until we have to levitate rats with blindfolds on us and without killing the poor creatures." You said.

"I'm not too good at charms, maybe you'll have to help me."

You shrugged. "I wouldn't mind, if you can get Headmistress McGonagall to let me off of potions class in the morning." You smirked a little, you would do anything to get out of that class, even if it meant tutoring your best friend's brother, and enemy.

"I can do that," James said with a smirk.

"Great," You said.

"It's a date," James said, then he swiftly stood up and left for the stairs to the boys dorms.

"What?" You demanded with a shocked blush. Albus just rolled his eyes.

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