"I know it's hard to believe, Allison. But I had witnessed that. On hearing the screaming, I went to check. She wouldn't stop until I had to come and pull her out," Maureen exhaled. I sat there, processing the information.

"I know you guys don't have a good relationship with your mom. I have been thinking if your dad and mom are fighting or something. I don't mean to pry but usually kids with such problems at home tend to behave that way," She asked. I suddenly looked at her.

"No," I firmly told her.

"Um, alright. Please don't feel bad. But I think you should consult a psychiatrist for..." She trailed again probably on noticing my angry glare. I gripped the sides of the chair as I furiously stood up.

"Please don't complete that sentence. I know exactly what you think," I glared, my voice hitting higher decibels.

"Allison," She pleaded.

"She is not some freaking maniac for God's sake. This is a six year old kid we are talking about. She has no mental illness."

"That was not what I was implying," Maureen cried.

"I don't know why everyone thinks like that. Becky is innocent and she is unaware of everything," I shouted.

"Allison. Please calm down," She told me. She held both my hands in hers trying to calm me down.

"You will probably think that I'm nuts. But still, I feel like Becky isn't doing such things on her own accord," She told me softly.

"What do you mean?" I asked in a way that a lost child would ask.

"When she did all those things, she looked somewhat like..."

"Like what?" I questioned.

"Like she was...possessed." She told me, looking seriously embarrassed at the statement she made. She stared down at her feet. My mouth opened and closed. My fists clenched and then released.

"I know that it's unbelievable. But I...Just forget it," She babbled. I stared at her confused.

"Hmm...Possessed," I thought loudly as I left the kindergarten. At least someone else share the same doubt as I do.

† † † † † † † † † †

I could hear loud shouting coming from the house as I pulled my midnight black Audi into the driveway. To be specific, Hailey and dad having a row. I groaned loudly.

After a long tiring day at school, I had finally reached home and how could I relax. I am glad that I dropped Becky at her friend's house. She demanded that she had lots to catch up with her friend after being absent from school for so long. I always thought it was quite hilarious as well as adorable when she tried to act all grown up.

"You are so inconsiderate. Half the time, you are away with work. And it was the only option I had," I could hear Hailey shout from inside the house.

"But that doesn't mean you could put our six year old daughter in some mental hospital. You could have phoned me. That was another option you had," Dad argued back.

I sighed as I opened the door to the house. A strong scent of lavender air freshener hit me. I couldn't help but sneeze, involuntarily catching dad's attention as he stormed into the hallway. A large frown dominated his features. I quirked my eyebrows at him in puzzlement.

"You didn't see her. But I was there. She behaved like a devil," Hailey said as she appeared from behind dad. Like a devil? I just can't believe that this woman gave birth to me. She grabbed him by his shoulders and tried to make him face her. In four inch heels, Hailey stood almost as tall as dad.

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