OK, she did need to be put into an asylum.

"Speak like your age Shitty Glasses, you're not five."

Hanji giggled as Erwin shook his head. Levi walked away from the two, entering the kitchen and placing Eren on the floor, where the young neko attempted to run away. Levi stepped on his tail, causing Eren to yelp in pain.

"Where do you think you're going?" Levi questioned, his sadistic side coming out to play. "We're going to have our own fun together."

Eren stared up at Levi with fear, wincing as Levi continued to grind his foot on his tail. How could such a small neko have a large amount of strength? Eren swore Levi was superman in disguise.

"Wha-what do you mean 'fun?'" Eren croaked.

"We're going to clean the kitchen from top to bottom," Levi answered, pulling a broom out of nowhere and shoving it into Eren's paws. "And we're not going to stop until everything is sparkling and I can see my reflection on the floor."

So they spent the next hour cleaning the kitchen, from sweeping the kitchen floor to polishing the fridge. Eren spilt the bucket of soapy water all over the floor at some point, angering Levi. Eren had told Levi that it wasn't really a mess because it was an object used for cleaning that he spilt. Because of that Eren was mopping the floor, his ass throbbing from where Levi kicked him hard enough to land on the moon.

"Work faster brat!" Levi ordered, hitting Eren over the head with a sponge when the younger decided he wanted a break.

"But I'm tired and hungry!" Eren whined, ears pressed against his head. Levi did not look impressed.

"Do I look like I give a fuck?" Levi rhetorically asked. "Nekos were forced to do labour back in the nineteen hundreds. We weren't house pets like we are now but slaves. Those poor things had no food until they were finished. I'm not being like those shit owners back then and forcing you to clean until you faint."

That actually was what Levi was doing.

"I'll threaten Shitty Glasses and Eyebrows to buy you whatever you want when you're finished," Levi promised. "If the kitchen is cleaned to my standard."

Eren's face lit up at Levi's bribe and he nodded enthusiastically. He got to work cleaning the floor, scrubbing it hard enough that his paws looked like they were hurting. Levi watched in wonder as Eren ran around the kitchen, polishing any surface he came across and even went as far as combing Levi's fur on his ears, tail and paws. Levi had no idea where he got the comb from.

By the time Eren was finished, the kitchen was sparkling, almost blindly. Levi admired his reflection in the fridge, actually being able to see his reflection as if the fridge was a mirror. This brat was the best cleaner he had ever seen.

"What do you want from Shitty Glasses and Eyebrows Eren?" Levi asked.

"I want some salmon!" Eren answered. Levi wrinkled his nose but didn't complain. He didn't like the smell of salmon.

"OK. Shitty Glasses! Eyebrows! Get in here now!" Levi yelled. Erwin and Hanji walked into the kitchen, the former's face saying what is it this time? and the later's face looking like it usually did. "Go buy some salmon for Eren. I don't care that you have no money, my Eren wants some fish. I'll put a dead mouse in your bed if you don't do it."

Despite the fact that Levi would never go near a dead mouse, the threat still worked. Erwin left the kitchen and Levi was satisfied to hear the front door open and close. However, Hanji stayed in the kitchen, staring at Levi with wonder. Levi's eye twitched with obvious annoyance.

"The fuck you looking at Four Eyes?"

"You called Eren 'your Eren,'" Hanji pointed out, a shit eating grin spreading across her face. "Do you have a crush on the little one? That's so cute!"

Levi pounced at Hanji's face, claws extended. That night Hanji had almost her entire face scratched up as if she had walked through a rose bush.

Levi may be small, but he was deadly.


"I'm going to kill that Shitty Glasses," Levi growled as he placed Eren in his bed, the younger having fallen asleep after feasting on the salmon Erwin had bought.

Levi was happy that he scratched Hanji's face enough that it had to be bandaged, that just meant he didn't have to stare at her face all day because it was covered.

The scent of peach hit his nose, mixed with the musky scent of lust and roses. Levi froze, sniffing the air. That smell, it couldn't be ...

A heated moan came from the bed Eren was sleeping in, followed by the young neko shifting. Levi slowly turned around, wide eyed, to stare at the neko. Eren's face was flushed, sweat running down his face as he shifted again, the scent of peaches becoming stronger. Levi knew instantly what was going on.

Eren was having his first heat.

"Shit," Levi muttered.

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