"She's tied up. I'll be fine." Snow said with a small smile.

"I'll be right outside the door if you need me." Charming said before kissing Snow and heading out the door. The door closed behind him.

It was just the girl and Snow.

"Were you trying to steal from the castle treasury?" Snow asked. The girl stood frozen where she was. She hadn't moved at all since she entered the room. If it was even possible the girls glare grew even colder.

"Do you think I would be here if I wasn't trying." The girl spat.

"Why? What need do you have with all the treasure?" Snow asked. Still the girls face stayed emotionless.

"I, have no need. It's about what the person I work for needs. But the question is what do you need with all of it!" Corey said.

"It's not mine. it's the kingdoms. Who are you working for? And why do they need it?" Snow asked but as soon as it was out of her mouth the doors swung open and a group of men were led in. They too were tied up. Charming walked over to her. He leaned in and whispered in her ear.

"They were caught trying to break in down the hall." Snow nodded to show him he heard what he said. One man, the man missing his left hand looked at the girl with concern in his eyes. He leaned over and said something to the girl. Snow could barely hear it but it looked like he was asking if she was ok. Then it hit Snow they were working together. The men had broken in to help the girl.

"They're working together." Snow said. All the guards interrogating them men stopped. "Now tell me who you're working for." The room went silent. The girls eyes bore into Snow. Then the girl said something.

" I BELIEVE!" She shouted! Then the window flew open and all the candles went out. The room was dark Snow couldn't see a thing. She grabbed Charming's hand. She could hear something flying around the room and a strong gust of wind blew through her hair. Snow stood frozen in the darkness as the wind whipped all around her. Then the whistling and the wind stopped.

Finally the guards got the candles lit again. And she could finally see. All the thieves were gone.

"Where'd they go!" One guard shouted. Then a cool burst of wind came through an open window. Snow and Charming walked toward the window.

"They couldn't have escaped out of here." Snow said as she looked down. "No one could survive a fall like that." She said as she looked down at the rocky ground below.

"Your majesty?" One guard spoke up. "I saw a figure come though that window.... But, I didn't get a good look because everything went dark."

"Well what did it look like?" Charming asked.

"Unlike anything I've ever seen before.... almost like a shadow.....without an owner." The guard finished.


Henry stared down at the picture. He looked at the guards armor. His grandparents actually had worn clothes like that.

"Did you ever see Corey and Hook again?" He asked.

"No, not until we found Corey passed out on the docks a couple months ago." Snow finished. Then the bells on the door rang. Henry looked up to see his Dad walk in.

"Have you found Corey yet?" He asked nervously. Charming shook his head.

"No, not yet but Emma and Hook are out looking." Charming replied. Neal swore under his breathe.

"Just to make sure, the curse only worked on our world. It didn't effect any others right?" Neal asked.

"I believe so." Snow answered.

The Forest (sequel to The Docks, a Once Upon A Time Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now