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It was time for Gray's weekly check up. It was still difficult for her to pursue her lie of Gray being sick.

"Gray, you have a check up today with Mr. Sanders" Juvia said, shaking Gray's lazy ass off the bed.

"Why do I need a check up for a plain old fever?" Gray whined, kicking the covers off his feet.

"W-Well he's a doctor and he knows way better than we do, let's just follow what he says"

Gray rolled his eyes before saying "Only if you give me a kiss" he smiled.

Juvia bit her lips. Yes she loves Gray, but just because you love someone doesn't mean you should show it or be in a relationship.

She gave Gray a quick smack on his lips and said "Go take a shower, Gray" Satisfied, Gray did as told.

Eversince Juvia named Alex, Gray Fullbuster, the whole guild called him Gray and personally, Gray liked it too.

Juvia closed her eyes as she crossed her fingers, hoping the swelling in his brain hadn't got any worse.

Juvia couldn't help but worry since she noticed Gray would sometimes clench his jaw and hold his head to ease the pain his swelling is causing, though he is completely unaware of it.

Of course the doctor had prescriptions, pain killers even but how does Gray take them without him knowing?

Juvia puts his prescribed drugs in a glass of water, waits for it to dissolve and make Gray drink it. Gray, several times, would notice the weird taste in the water but he'd just gulp it down anyway.

Gray suddenly exits the bathroom as he dries his raven black hair with a towel. He was wearing a light blue button up shirt with black skinny pants.

"Let's go?" Juvia says, grabbing her shoulder bag. "You are not coming, it's my appointemnt. I don't want to drag you into this."

"But Gray-sama" Gray's eyes widen and his head started to ache. It wasn't the normal head ache you could just brush off, it was the type of head ache that felt like they were pulling your eyeballs.

"That's it. I am coming with you"


"I've been getting tons of headaches lately, doc" Gray confessed. Juvia bit her lip as she looked at doctor Sanders with panic.

"Have you been d-drinking water lately?" Dr. Sanders knew about how Juvia would mix Gray's medicine in his water, it was even Dr. Sanders who told Juvia to do it.

"Yes, Juvia would always offer me a glass of water after breakfast and before dinner too"

Of course she did, that was the in the prescription Dr. Sanders gave Juvia.

"Good, come by again next week" Dr. Sanders said as he intertwined his own fingers.

Just as Juvia and Gray were about to leave Dr. Sanders called Juvia. "Miss Lockser, could I have a word with you?"

Juvia looked over her shoulder, waiting for Gray's consent. Gray nodded a yes before leaving the two alone.

Juvia sighed, plopping back to her seat.

"We're coming up with a solution, for his illness I mean" Juvia smiled. "It should take a while. Since his swelling has something related to a strange lost magic, there are some wizard doctors aiding the research as well"

"I don't know what to say, I'm so thankful" Juvia smiled.

"But we need help" He took off his glasses. "Anything for Gray" Juvia sat by the edge of her seat.

"Why don't you help....find his identity? This isn't really part of the research but it may aid the research and surely, a huge help to Alex- I mean Gray"

"I've thought about it before actually, but I guess I'll give it an actual shot"


While Gray was at Juvia's apartment taking a nap, Juvia decided to come by the guild.

"Hey" Gajeel waved his hand lazily at Juvia as she walked over to Natsu, Lucy, Happy, Erza, Gajeel, Levy, and Lily's table.

"Hey" Juvia said, sitting beside Erza. "How was the check up?" Levy asked with concern.

"Nothing, just more medications- Oh! The doctor did tell me to do something"

"What?" They all said in unison. "That I should help Gray find his identity. He has no memories of his past after all"

"Maybe there are written records of him" Lucy said. "Right" Erza agreed. "Should we check in the library?" Gajeel asked. "Obviously, do you think we can find something like that in the roof?" Natsu stuck hid tongue out at Gajeel.

"That's really sweet of you, guys but I don't think I should drag you into this" Juvia said.

"Why? Is Gray paying you to care for him? No right? You just care and help him for nothing in return, so let us help too" Gajeel countered.

Juvia smiled. What did she do to deserve friends like these?

They all headed to the guild library hoping for some clues. They've been skimming through all of the books they could get their hands on but there was nothing.

"Oh! There are old volumes of Weekly Sorcerer over here" Lucy called everyone.


"What the-" Levy dropped the magazine she was holding. "-hell did I just read?"

Everyone gathered around the old weekly sorcerer magazine Levy held onto a while ago.

It read;

"Top ten most famous mages the kingdom of Fiore would gladly date"

It wasn't the list of hot guys that made Levy shocked but more because Gray was a part of that magazine"

"Number three is Gray Fullbuster! He's an ice mage of Fairy Tail. With Juvia Lockser (Number six of top ten famous mages the kingdom of Fiore would gladly date) as his number one supporter, he catches much attention at the Grand Magic Games which was held just a week ago!"

Everyone looked at each other with a puzzled look. "But Gray just entered Fairy Tail a few months ago and he has definitely never represented Fairy Tail in the Grand Magic Games....that's if he has ever played"


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