This is where it all began.

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     (Aubrey's point of view) *pov*

   I make my way through the warm, dancing bodies, I get the drinks that I needed for my friends and sway myself to the music playing, different lights show as everyone has their cast of shadows, I pick the drinks over my head as I try to get through all the people dancing.

I walk over to my friends group and grin, "For my darlings," I grin and raise my glass,"to the coolest party we've ever been to, I shall make a toast to us, to dancing ourselves until tomorrow, we will stay up until the night takes us away!" I say as I down my cup, grinning at the girls who are my life.

But little did I know that was the last party, people, well regular people of course that is come across again...

Jay nudges my side as I turn to look at her, she nods her head toward the guys who were staring at us. I grin and her, "Victoria.. Tara, Harley look.." I say smiling my face off as the look the way I'm nodding my head.

"Why don't we go to talk to them?" Harley questions, Tara quietly roles her eyes "You go ahead I'm to old for them, don't go anywhere with them though, I am watching you." She gives us a stern look, and we chuckle. "Alright, Tara, cya soon." I say, and grab Harley's hand and walk over to their table.

   "Oh look the princesses finally noticed us." The brunette one says as he winks at jay, she blushes a tad, I mean cmon were 18 at a promed themed party.

  "Mind if we sit down? I mean we didn't come over here for nothing." Victoria states, giving them a sudusive glance, her green eyes flash mischief  which is the thing I love about her, she can easily do the things she wants with her eyes, her face shape and her red hair to give her face some glow up.  
     "Sure, come right over." The blonde one says, as he pats the seat next to him. I grin and take the seat, as Harley takes the one next to me.
   "So, what are you guys names?" Harley ask, I nudge her and whisper in her ear. "Let's not tell them our names shall we, I want them to guess." I grin as I pull away from her ear, the lights are now flashing red so it gives her this cray effect like she is evil or something as she smiles at me.
   "Well," the one with the colored hair says. "I'm Michael, Luke," he nods towards the guy with the blonde hair, the one that sits next to me with a nice lip piercing.  He gives off a wave and flashes his white teeth. "Ashton," Michael says as he nods at the Curley haired one. "And calum," he says as he nods towards the brunette one.

  "Nice names, well, I'm Victoria, and this is jay." Victoria says,  as she leans towards jay sitting next to her. I look at Victoria and she looks at me, I nod towards Harley and shake my head a tad bit. She grins as she begins to speak again. "And these two, will be mysterious to you." She says giving me and Harley a wink, and we grin. The guys smirk.

  "Nice names, so.. You want a guessing game then, huh." Ashton says, smirking away, pretending to think. "Well, maybe you," he says as he points at me(ima not say her features until later on) "you look like a Claire, and your friend, mm.. Harper?" He says trying to be confident in his guess. I perk up and laugh. "Nope, but you were close on hers and mines starts with an a." I say, Victoria and jay are just laughing as they are trying to guess, getting most of the names wrong until calum says Harley's name. "Uhm, Harvey, Harmbe, Hasley, uhh, Harley?" He question, Harley grins and nods at him.
  "Yes it's Harley." She says, and Michael speaks up, "Like Harley Quinn..?" He says smirking at her, and she rolls her eyes. "No I'm not Harley Quinn, just Harley Martin.." She says, as she take a sip of her soda.
   Ashton and Luke look at each other, "well we both know your name," Luke says, and Ashton finishes his sentence. "Aubrey." Ashton says, grinning, I look at them confused. "Are you a stalker or something?" I say, kinda concerned. "No you have your bracelet, it's says aub's and that means your full name is Aubrey... It's your full name right?" Luke says, as I hold up my bracelet that says Aub's with a bunch of little charms. "Oh yeh.. Uhm do you all want to go on the porch and talk a little more? I need some air." Jay says,  Victoria nods with her. "Yeah we'll come." Michael says, getting up and everyone follows him towards the balcony, up the stairs. The light upstairs are steady so I could look at all their features, they all were pretty attractive, but you know, we just met them, Tara noticed we were going somewhere different so we got her to come with us, and the guys questioned her.

   We were up on the balcony and everyone was talking, but something caught my eye, something was stumbling towards the lighted and fun house, I could hear it groan? I brushed it off my mind until I saw the thing up against someone, I poked Ashton and his eyes widen as he saw what I did, the man dropped to the ground as we saw red squirt out of his neck, bile slowly rises up to my throat when I saw some of what he was doing, the monster pinned the man to the ground has he was barley alive and shoved it's head on his stomach, he tried to scream but the neck wound was bad, me and Ashton's eyes widen as we saw some of the mans intestines get pulled out and started go shove it in his mouth, I gaged as everyone started to crowd to where me and Ashton was, we all saw what was happening, the blood was all over the creature now, it didn't look human at all, it's face was torn up, it had prices of flesh still hanging from its mouth, face and arms, speaking of arms on one of them you only saw a gap between the skin was bone. I covers my mouth trying not to scream and so did the others. This.. This is where it all began.

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