Chapter 107: Go After Him

Start from the beginning

Meghan: Tell me everything Joey.

Joey: Lisa showed me the pictures of her and Shane, kissing. I think they did worse... went further.

Meghan: Shane's not like that Joey!

Joey: He is- he might be.

Meghan: What did Lisa say?

Joey: She apologised. Denied that it was her.

Meghan: And you?

Joey: Called her a fucking bitch. She is.

Meghan: I can't believe you and Shane...are over.

Joey: Neither can I.

[Shane's POV]

Lisa: Ha...ha...Shane? What are you doing here?

Shane: You fucking know exactly why I'm here.

Lisa: Really?

Shane: Why did you show him those pictures?

Lisa: Because...

Shane: Those pictures are from months ago!

Lisa: Yeah, Joey doesn't know that. And I think he didn't believe you when you told him that. Did he?

Shane: No.

Lisa: SO where is he then?

Shane: I don't know.

Lisa: Oh right... he left you.

Shane: Shut up.

Lisa: Walked right out the door.

Shane: Lisa, shut up.

Lisa: Took off the ring and gave it back.

Shane: Shut the fuck up Lisa! Alright?

Lisa: What are you going to do?

Shane: There's nothing I can do.

Lisa: Ha-

Shane: Except... for one thing.

Lisa: What's that?

I pushed Lisa against the wall. Then, clinched my fist.

Shane: Keys. Now.

Lisa: Keys for wha-

Shane: To your apartment.

Lisa: W-why?

Shane: Just hand them over.

Lisa searched her pockets for them, got the key, and gave it to me.

Lisa: What are you going to do?

Shane: Watch.

I unlocked the door, and told Lisa to get inside. I followed her inside, making sure the door was locked behind us.

[Joey's POV]

Meghan: What now?

Joey: I don't know.

Meghan: Maybe you should try talking to Shane about it. Hear his story.

Joey: I know the story. He went to Lisa's, cheated on me, came home like nothing was wrong, then unexpectedly Lisa admitted that Shane cheated.

Meghan: I'm so sorry this happened Joey.

Joey: I feel sorry for myself because I thought I could really trust him, I could've trusted him with my life.

Meghan: You can spend the night here, if you want.

Joey: Are you sure?

Meghan: Yes! It's a start on making you feel better.

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