Chapter 100: Part One - Excited Little Puppy

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100 chapters! Holy freaking crap! Guys, how did I manage to write 100 chapters. i dont even know. But thank you all so much for the greatness that I have felt reading all your comments, for getting me to 1 million reads, then 2 million reads! Shane and Joey both reading it was the best thing ever! It was a kind've embarrassing having them read something I wrote, but totally worth it. (Shane's video "Reading Sexual FanFic" Joey's video "Embarrasing Stories and Challenges - live show") Anyways enjoey part one of this 6 page long chapter and this, is not the end. May the odds be ever in your favor, goodbye! (Cheesy) I'll stop.


[Shane's POV]

Nicole: How was the flight?

Joey: Great!

Shane: Mostly because we don't recall it due to the fact that we slept nearly the entire flight.

Nicole: Might as well if you're tired?

Joey: I'm still tired!

Shane: Same

Joey: And there wasn't any- what's the word?

Shane: Psychopathic homophobic mother fuckin' stabbers on the plane.

Joey: Yeah, that.

Nicole: How's all that going, with that guy?

Joey: All I've been told is that he is staying in prison until a court, thing, is prepared?

Shane: We should be getting contacted by the lawyer we hired...

Nicole: Do you know when?

Shane: No clue, the agency told me that I'll be expecting a call soon.

Nicole: How soon?

Shane: Now it's about a week until the expected call...

Nicole: Hopefully the odds are in your favour *winks*

Shane: I'm sure Joey liked that.

He didn't say anything.

Shane: Joey?

Nicole: Are you okay Joey?

I shook Joey's shoulder and we abruptly flicked his head up to attention.

Joey: Hmmm? W-what?

Nicole: Are you okay? You're not very responsive.

Joey: Tired, like I said.

Nicole: If you're really that tired just go to sleep back there, the ride back to our moms house is going to be long! Use Shane as a pillow.

Shane: What do you mean by that?!

Nicole: Like your shoulder, or chest!

Shane: Ohhh, yeah okay.

Joey: Can't say no to that.

Joey adjusted his seatbelt so it wouldn't hurt him while lying on me. He put his head on my chest, and within a few minutes he was sleeping.

Shane: Hey Nicole?

Nicole: Yeah?

Shane: Since Joey is sleeping, can I talk to you about something?

Nicole: Sure.

Shane: Umm, I'm planning on surprising Joey, and I need help.

Nicole: What with?

Shane: Taking us there.

Nicole: Ok.

Shane: I don't know my way around Boston, obviously- if it's too much you don't have to, I'll just take a cab.

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