Chapter 33: Broke The Promise

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Shane: Joey! You just got out of the fucking hospital!

Joey: It's not like I'm going to hit him again. I'll just have a word with him...

Shane: This isn't a good idea!

Joey: I have to say something to him otherwise he'll just torment me!

Shane: *sigh* Just don't start another killed me to see you in the hospital from the last one...

Joey: I won't!

Shane: Swear to me!

Joey: Shane...I swear!

Shane: Good.

[Shane's POV]

I kissed Joey, he put his hand on my thigh, I placed my hand on the back of his neck...we stood up and walked into the bedroom.

*The Next Morning*

I was woken up by Joey shaking me.

Joey: Shane! C'mon, you're taking Nicole to the airport in an hour!

Shane: I'm up, I'm up!

Joey: Hurry!

I jumped up from bed and went to the bathroom, I got washed and straightened my hair as it was a mess!

Shane: Joey!

Joey: What?

Shane: Come here!

Joey walked into the closet as soon as I called him.

Joey: Yes Shaney?

He knew the name Shaney annoyed me, he smirked every time he said it.

Shane: Again? Shaney?

Joey: I will always call you Shaney.

Shane: Okay, Joe!

Joey: Hmph! I'll stop, just don't call me that!

Shane: Yes!

Joey: So why did you want me?

Shane: Can you help pick out an outfit for me to wear?

Joey: You don't need something fancy do you?

Shane: No, just something casual, but you know what looks good on me.

Joey quickly grabbed a plain t-shirt and the only pair of skinny jeans that I had which I'm pretty sure I only bought for a video.

Shane: You really think I look good in these?

Joey: You look good in anything Shane, you even look good when you dress up as a woman and that says something!

Shane: Thanks?

Joey: Now go get dressed! I'll be back in, in a minute to get changed as you want breakfast?

Shane: Uhhh? I'll have whatever you're having.

Joey left the bedroom and went into the kitchen to make breakfast. I was changed into my clothes fast and vlogged for a few minutes.

Shane: Hey guys! So I'm back at my apartment, well me and Joey's apartment...I just got I'm taking Joey's sister to the airport then I think Joey and I are going to visit "A friend" then I have no idea what I'm doing after. Wait let's go see where Joey is!

I walked out to the kitchen to see that Joey was vlogging also.

Joey: Hey you're vlogging *Points camera at me*

Joey for Shane [A Shoey FanFic]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora