Chapter 17: Flirtatious Joey

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[Shane's POV]

There I was, making out with Joey who was naked! We were about to...go all the way. I had joked about this before when I was straight and never thought of him as he ever being my boyfriend and ever thought we were gay! But now it's a reality. Before I knew it Joey had taken my briefs off!

[Joey's POV]

Shane got up off of me slowly. He seemed fascinated with what was happening. He's a virgin right? Saving himself for marriage? Should I stop him?

Just as I was thinking of stopping Shane dove onto me, kissing my body.

[Shane's POV]

This was it. It was happening. Joey and I...doing it!

Joey:  Oh my god Shane!!

I remained silent, kissing Joey's body. He ran his hands through my hair, tugging on it from time to time. His face twisting in pain, then soon pleasure.

[Joey's POV]

Before we knew it we were both done. We lay down next to each other on the bed. Neither of us spoke, we both tried getting our breath back to a normal pace.

Shane: Oh my!

Joey: Shane that was-

Shane: AMAZING!?

Joey: Just what I was gunna say!

Shane: I can't believe you just...went for it!

Me being me I started to blush. Damn it Joey! Why have you got no control over blushing!! I went a whole new different shade of red this time.

Shane and I just lay together, daydreaming, until my phone went off.


1 New Message From: Luke Conard 

Luke: Joey! Were the heck are you!

Joey: Shoot Shane! We are meant to be at Luke's!

Shane: C'mon, what just happened was waaay better than playing video games!

Joey: Yes it was! But quickly get dressed and let's go!

Joey: Sorry Luke! Lost track of time! We're on our way now! C you then!

Shane and I rushed to get dressed, Shane was literally falling over himself trying to get pants on. My hair was a mess so I put on my wool hat.

Shane: Fuck me you're fast!

Joey: If you think me changing into clothes is fast you should see me getting out of clothes.

Shane: Ha flirtatious! I like!

[Shane's POV]

I always knew Joey was the flirty type, you never seen him flirt with girls when he did say he was straight.

Joey came over to me and planted his lips onto mine, he whispered to me

Joey: I love you...

I couldn't help myself but smile like an idiot and kiss him back. He was just too damn sexy! I just wanted to stay here at our place all night and be with him! But he didn't want to blow off his friends! *Pun intended* We kissed again and again until I finally let out

Shane: I love you too!

Joey: C'mon let's go!


I can't get any more graphic than that at this stage. Sorry to anybody that's disappointed, I'm just not ready for that yet! More to come tomorrow! + Check out my tumblr page for more updates!


Joey for Shane [A Shoey FanFic]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora