Chapter 85: What

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[Joey's POV]

Another one of those times I had no idea where to go, I just got in my car and sat for a moment.

[Shane's POV]

Why did I have to say that to him! Why the fuck did I say that to him!

New Message From: Meghan

Meghan: Was Joey drunk last night?!

Shane: He was very drunk...

Meghan: Oh thank god! I thought those things he text me were like for real! Could you ask him to call me?

Shane: He left...

Meghan: What do you mean "he left"

Shane: We argued...and he just walked out...

Meghan: and you have no idea where he went?!

Shane: No...

Meghan: Aww man! Have you tried calling him?

Shane: He just walked out like 5 minutes ago...

Meghan: THEN WHY ARENT YOU GOING AFTER HIM! Seriously when it comes to you both...just go after him!

She's right...

[Joey's POV]

I needed to talk to someone, normally if I need someone I'd go to Meghan, but I'm still mad at her because of the kiss...

Speak of the devil...

New Message From: Meghan-san

Meghan: What are you doing!

Joey: What are you talking about!

Meghan: Why did you leave!

Joey: Leave where?

Meghan: Leave Shane in your apartment!

Joey: I need time alone...

Meghan: I respect that yea...but do you remember the last time when you left it break-up fashion! Shane got a blade into his chest! Go up to him! He is your fiancé!

Joey: I probably wouldn't of had to storm out if it weren't for you kissing me!

Meghan: I said I'm sorry for that Joey...and I really am...             

[Shane's POV]

I ran down the hall in hope that Joey hasn't gone far.

I got close as the garage as I saw him look down at his phone. I slowly and quietly creeped up to the window and looked in, he didn't see me...

He was looking at a picture, of the two of us, not just any picture...

[Joey's POV]

I need to go back to him...

[Shane's POV]

I knocked on the window gently and looked down at my feet.

Shane: What you looking at there...

Joey: Shane...

Shane: I'm sorry...

[Joey's POV]

I felt my eyes getting moist caused by tears filling them...I just had the urge to cry...

I looked up at Shane and realised he was staring at the picture I was viewing on my phone.

Joey for Shane [A Shoey FanFic]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora