Chapter 19: A Little Heated

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[Shane's POV]

Joey got into the car, I jumped into the passenger side... Joey was shaking like crazy.

Shane: Joey you're shaking! What the fuck happened?! Why is Cat a whore!?

Joey: S-she k-kissed me!

Shane: That bitch did what?!

[Joey's POV]

I was now having a full panic attack. I didn't want to have to tell Shane what happened. He was freaking out! I had to tell him.

Joey: I...I walked out from the bathroom...I bumped into her. S-she pinned me against the wall...and kissed me! I didn't want to Shane! I'm sorry!

Shane: Joey it's not your fault! It's not like you wanted it to happen! You pushed her off you right?

Joey: Yeah....the first time.

Shane: What do you mean the "first" time?!

Joey: She kissed me again...

Shane: And you didn't push her off!?

Joey: Of course I did, just not straight away!

Shane: Joey? Why didn't you push her off!!

I broke down into tears. Shane immediately stopped shouting and put his arms around me. I just couldn't hack it. Shane was right, I am a softy.

Joey: S-Shane....I-I'm sorry! I don't k-know why I didn't push h-her off me straight away! It's hard to when she's grabbing my crotch!

Shane: Not only did she kiss you! She grabbed you!

Joey: T-that's why she's a whore!

Shane: Ugggh!! I just want to go fuck her up right now, remind me to go to her if I ever want to go to prison!

[Shane's POV]

I had Joey laughing, he was cheering up thankfully. He got really stressed and me screaming at him wasn't helping! I fucking knew I should hate that Cat bitch! She had a chance with Joey months ago! Fuck her!

Shane: Joey get out of the car!

Joey: W-What?!

Shane: haha just get into the passenger side, you're in no state to drive so I'll take the wheel.

Joey: Wow, I thought you were trying to through me out of my own car!

Joey got out of the car and walked around it to the passenger door, I opened it and got out myself, holding the door open for Joey as he got in and I closed it behind him. Gentleman. I ran to the other side of the car and got in. Joey was still very shaken from what happened. I drove fast, but not over the limit to get him back to the apartment. I hope Cat can realise what state she has put him in. Bitch.

Shane: Did you tell her

Joey: I had to...there wasn't a way to get her off me otherwise.

Shane: I told Luke as well. He told me about how you told him you were in love with me.

Joey started smiling at the ground. He was blushing again! Have I mentioned he looked sexy when he blushed? Who am I kidding! Joey always looked sexy!

Joey: So the only person that doesn't know in the house is Ingrid?

Shane: Ingrid and the rest of the guys that actually live there.

Joey: I have to text Cat...

Shane: WHY?!

Joey: To tell her not to tell anyone we're together. She'll gossip to everyone!

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