Chapter 28: Meeting The Siblings!

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I can't even wait til the end of the chapter to write a Authors note! SHANE READ THIS! MY SHOEY FAN FIC! MINE! I literally couldn't breathe watching the video! AND A HUGE THANKS TO EVERYONE THAT HAS READ IT! My reads have multiplied going from 16,000 to 35,000 since the video was uploaded! Never did I ever expect this to get recognised/read by Shane and I'd just like to say a huge thanks to anyone that has ever commented, voted or even read! THANK YOU! Enjoy this short chapter and I'll write a small note at the end!


[Shane's POV]

I made my way to the airport as fast as possible. I just had to keep quiet about me and Joey and get her to him.

I arrived at the airport just in time for Nicole walking out to the arrival gates. I got out of the car so she could see me. She spotted me and waved. I awkwardly waved back at her putting on a weird smile...why was I so fucking strange. She quickly walked over to me and gave me a hug. I took her suitcase and put it in the back of the car. I hopped back into the car and I started driving us to the hospital.

Nicole: So are you and Joey close?

Shane: Ohhh...uhhh...

What the fuck would I say!!

Shane: We're roommates!

Duh Shane!

Nicole: Oh that's nice! Is Joey still in his apartment or did he move in with you?

Shane: He offered me to move in with him.

Nicole: So how long have you been roommates for?

Shane: Nearly a week I think.

Nicole: Is that all! And you two are really close already!

Shane: I guess it's really easy to become great friends with Joey fast!

Nicole giggled. She then asked me the last thing I wanted her to ask me at this moment.

Nicole: What happened to Joey?

Shane: Long story....

Nicole: Tell me please...

Quick Shane! Think of a made up reason he fought with Sawyer!

Shane: Sawyer called Joey gay and Joey got pissed and hit Sawyer! Joey beat the crap out've him.

Nicole: So how did Joey end up in hospital?

Shane: I think Joey got scared and ran out of the apartment, but I ran after him...then he just collapsed to the ground... Cat called an ambulance an-

Nicole: His ex-girlfriend Cat?

 Shane: Yeah.

Nicole: Oh...continue with what you were saying...

Shane: Now Joey's hooked up to machines and isn't wakening.

Nicole: What did the doctors say?

Shane: They expect him to wake up today sometime.

Nicole: What if he's awake now!

Nicole got really excited as if it was a possibility.

Shane: If Joey were to be awake, either Luke, Ingrid or Cat would have been on the phone screaming right now.

Nicole went from excited to instantly upset.

We had got to the hospital, it took a while to find parking but eventually we had gotten a space and went into the building. I took Nicole up to Joey's room. She saw his room window and could see him, motionless on a bed hooked up to multiple machines.

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