I'll Believe It All || 8

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Spa/Makeover Salon
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I sat on a chair in the lounge, filled with boredom. Nick and Cory were in the chairs to my left and right, playing video games on their phones. Tessa was getting herself a makeover, because she said she "needs to get with the new times". Her words, not mine. So guess what?! She pulled us to some salon (begging me to join her, though I felt my TV head wouldn't do much good), and had us wait for what seemed like forever.

Just then, after waiting exactly one hour, twenty-six minutes and forty-eight seconds, Tessa came skipping through the door. The three of us sighed in relief, glad that we wouldn't have to stay here any longer.

   "Honey, I'm home!" She jokes, ending it with a hearty laugh, fixing her rabbit-eared headband. I could've sworn I saw Nick blush.

   Okay boys," I tell then getting up from my chair and stretching my neck out, "Let's get a move on."

   "Yeah! I have more cookies to bake!" Cory says as we walk out the door. I jump up in happiness.

   "And ME!" I add, high-fiving him. The two look at us questionably.

   "You know his recipe?" Nick and Tess ask us. We nod in reply.

   "I can't bake them within him though . . ." I pout, earning a few chuckles. We reached Tessa's car and poured into it, eager to get home.

   "But hey, would you, when your favorite camera-faced friend is around?!" Cory asks when him and I get in the back seat. We buckled ourselves in, and the car started to drive off the direction of our apartments.

   "Well here! Let me give you my list." I joke, laughing our worries away. We joked and laughed a lot more until Tessa pulled up into the parking lot.

   "So Y/N, I've been meaning to ask you something." She states as she pulls the keys out from the ignition. I faced my screen to her, slightly tilting my head in curiosity. "What is it?" Tessa clears her throat to answer.

   "Why'd you drop the stuttering? You usually do it around us all the time! I mean, it's not bad. It's definitely an improvement! But I'm just a bit curious though . . ." Tessa unbuckles and turns around in her seat to see me. Cory and Nick look at me as well.

   "I have been a bit curious about that subject." Cory mumbles. Nick nods in agreement.

   "Honestly, I'm not sure. Maybe it was when I . . ." I trailed off, putting a hand to where my cheek would be on my TV screen. My roommate puts on a puzzled expression.

   "Truthfully, I would've that'd have made you even shyer!" She laughs, just imagining.

   "Well, you see . . ." I look back at the night Cory talked to me, recalling every word I was told. Little pink pixels started forming all over my TV screen, dotting my non-fleshy cheeks. Tessa and Nick grinned evilly, looking from me to each other.

   "Oh, I do see! And I am very, very, very, very, curious about it. Now: CORY WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER SHE'S BROKEN!" Tessa yells jokingly at him, though it was more of a tease. Cory stayed quiet, and we all just got out of the car and walked up to our apartments. Me and camera-face went our separate ways, but Nick and Tess stayed in the hall.

I put my audio receptor to the door (Like Transformers, LOL), eagerly listening into the conversation. Nick was quick and quiet, coating the speech with sweet stories and kind compliments before he went straight to the point. I wasn't able to hear most of what he said, but I was able to catch the very end as he raised his voice from a whisper.

"What I'm saying is . . ." He stayed silent for a couple seconds. "Will you . . . Go on a date with me?" That left me frozen in place. Pray to Notch that she'll say yes! Tessa said nothing for a few seconds, either stunned or dissapointed.

"I-it's fine i-i-if y-you don't!" Nick cries, covering it up with a nervous chuckle. "I just really really really li—" She cut him off.

   "Yeah, I do!"

   "Wait, what?" He sounded shocked.

   "YES! OF COURSE!" Tessa cries out happily, probably squeezing him to death out of excitement. Heh! That's my girl.

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A/N: Hope you enjoyed our Nessa moments! Next chapter will be the time, where true love strikes! Not for you. For NESSA! >=D Over and out!


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