15 (Edited on 11/6/16)

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Please point out any mistakes you might find while reading so I can fix them.

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Sally's eyes snap open at the sound of her window exploding inward. She's up in an instant with the covers clutched to her chest, using them for protection against her nightmares. Her eyes dart around the room, expecting to find her usual monsters, but instead she catches sight of the glass at the end of her bed. The tiny shards glisten in the soft glow of her nightlight. She hesitates, sliding her foot underneath her covers to see if they are real; when they move a voice calls out to her by name.

"Hello, Sally." She stares, frozen in fear, at the darkness beyond her broken window.

There's a flick of a lighter and a flame is born. A faint hiss fills the silence as a cigarette is lit, but before she can see his face the flame is extinguished, casting everything back into shadow. He sighs, blowing smoke into her room and continues to talk to her.

Sally tries to scream but fear has frozen her movements. He's come back for me! Are the only words that rush though her mind. She stares at him in horror.

"Do me a favor, will ya?" He starts to speak, "Tell your daddy that if I don't get what I want, when I want it, I'll be back. Do you understand that, Sally? I know you're a smart girl, so was your sister; pretty too, and I like pretty girls. And I brought you a reminder just in case you don't take me seriously." Something much larger is thrown into her room, the bundle lands across her feet with a hard thud.

"MOMMY!" Sally screams as it settles across her feet. She kicks at the heavy mound from under her blankets, trying desperately to retreat to the head of her bed. Her foot makes contact with the lump and it slips to the floor with a muffled thud, leaving behind a large stain over her Frozen bedspread.

She continues to scream until she's out of breath.

She throws the covers aside and makes a run for her bedroom door but freezes when she spots the glowing dot floating in the mirror above her dresser. He's watching her every move; his eyes bore into her back as her bladder releases. But she doesn't notice the warmth dripping down her legs and forming a puddle at her feet.

"You be a good girl now, Sally, and tell him for me, okay?" The dot disappears and all is quite.

"Sally!" Her mother's voice brings her back to reality. There's a rush of footsteps down the hallway, then the doorknob jiggles but doesn't budge.

"Mommy! He's here!" Sally grips the doorknob in her small hands to find that it won't open.

"Open the door, baby." Her mother pounds against the door.

"I can't!" Sally cries. "It won't open! Let me out!" She screams, banging against the wood as tears flood her cheeks. "He's gonna get me!" She screams as she eyes the bundle on the floor at the end of her bed.

I'm never getting out of here! The words send her into a deeper state panic. She tries the locking mechanism on the handle but it spins in a full circle, broken. She eyes bulge with fright as stares back over her shoulder at the broken window. There was no other way out but to go through the window.

"Please, let me out!" She wails, pounding her tiny fists against the wood.

"Sally, step away from the door!" Her dad's frustrated voice comes from down the hall.

She has just enough time to step back before the first kick lands. Searching the floor she makes sure to stay as far away as possible from the thing near the end of her bed. She jumps at the sudden sound of another blow, which causes the door to crash inward and it's open. Sally runs toward her mother's open arms, crying. Her mother scoops her up and carries her to the living room in one swift movement.

"Don't go in there!" Sally shrieks when her daddy disappears into the room.

Words: 677

Question time:

Please be as honest as you can so I can improve my story. If something sucks I'd rather hear the truth. Also answer with inline comments so I can easily go through them and know which answer goes to what.

What do you honestly think of this chapter as a whole?

Did the chapter hold your interest until the very end?

In your opinion what can make this chapter better? Examples?

What did you like most about this chapter and why?

Where there any boring, annoying, or frustrating parts? If so what parts and why?

Does anything seem unclear/confusing with the setting, character description, emotion? Examples?

Does the opening hook you as a reader?

Does the ending make you want to keep reading?

What do you think will happen next?

Was the dialogue believable and natural?

Did you notice any obvious, repeating grammatical, spelling, punctuation or capitalization errors? Examples?

Is the pace too fast, too slow or just right?

Is there enough or too much description in this chapter? Examples?

Was the chapter length good?

How would you rate this chapter? Scale of 1-10

As always, any and all feedback is welcome and highly appreciated, so thank you so so much for all of it! Also, don't forget to follow me, add the book to your shelve so you can keep up to date and show the book some love by giving it a vote. :0)

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